You terfs say I will never know what being a woman is like but I say you will never know what being me is like.


No I don't know what it's like to have periods and give birth. A lot of cis women don't. But I do know what it's like to be called sweetheart and be told to smile. I know what it's like to be called a bitch. I know what it's like to be told through step by step instructions how to do something basic that everyone knows how to do. I know how fucking condescending men can be. I know how scary men can be. I know how scary it can be just to go on a date with a new guy. I know how it feels to be stalked while walking down the street at night. I know how it feels to have to have a strange man pretend to know me and walk me home just to make it stop. I know how it feels to be raped, my first boyfriend raped my virginity. I know how it feels to have shitty and unrealistic standards of beauty shoved on me and to have to love myself. Going back to not having periods or giving birth, I know how it feels to grieve over being unable to have children. I know how it feels to feel defective and like I will never fulfill my biological role as a woman and like I will never get to feel the love of a child or the fulfillment of motherhood.

I know what you terfs are going to say next: "Do you think those experiences make you a woman?" No. I think I've had these experiences because I'm a woman.

Now what about what you'll never experience that I have: you'll never experience feeling like your body is wrong, like you were turning into a monster during puberty, you'll never feel like everyone hates you and you'll never feel like you're supposed to be something you're not and something you hate. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery so I don't know why you're so offended. I would rather imitate women than imitate men. Feeling beautiful and feminine and attracted to men sure comes more naturally to me than being a boring, hairy, rough and tough, rompin and stompin, fightin and fuckin misogynist country boy who objectifies women. Don't understand why you're so mad at me for being the former instead of the latter.

PS my supporters have always been cis women, why do you think you speak for all cis women?

PSS I'm against trans athletes and I have never caused a problem in the bathroom because I look like a woman.. if you stop being hateful and prejudice you might see we're not all the same

I dont care if I think Im a 29 year old man but I have been living as a girl since 2010 and I have not lived a mans life
I don't care if I think I'm a 29 year old man but I have been living as a girl since 2010 and I have not lived a man's life
You terfs say I will never know what being a woman is like but I say you will never know what being me is like.
13 Opinion