Boys NEED to be raised as men and girls NEED to be raised as women. agree?

For any strong society to exist you need to have masculine men and feminine women. Masculinity brings out the best in men while femininity brings out the best in women. Not letting people grow into their complete selves is curbing a lot of potential in both genders.
Boys NEED to be raised as men and girls NEED to be raised as women. agree?

Things like binary, intersex or whatnot are not observed on any significant scale and should not be promoted.
All you are doing is harming the solid foundations of society. Which always were and always have been the family unit, with a straight female as the mother, a straight male as the father, and their children.
Boys NEED to be raised as men and girls NEED to be raised as women. agree?

I just saw this video of children raised in "genderless" schools in sweden and just realized not just how ridiculous this movement has become, but also how dangerous.
A boy has to be taught that he is a boy and a girl that she is a girl. Anything other than that is too complex and simply confuses kids.
Its gonna mess them up.
Boys NEED to be raised as men and girls NEED to be raised as women. agree?

When a kid grows into teenage and adulthood, it slowly figures out if its gay or transgender.

I can't believe all these so-called "progressive" people are leagues behind in common sense and basic intelligence, compared to their ancestors, who by the way never went to school.
yes i agree
no, i disagree (l buy into lgbt propaganda)
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+1 y
Here is the video i watched btw:

I found another one:
+1 y
I think i messed up the links before.
Ignore the above,

Click on the first video
Boys NEED to be raised as men and girls NEED to be raised as women. agree?
Post Opinion