Black men need feminism NOT white guys?

(Please read: I'm NOT talking about all black men. I'm only speaking of those that act foolish.)

I've seen the clip. The cops told him NOT to go back to his car, he goes back, the cop open fire. Keep in mind all it takes is literally 2 seconds to pull out a gun from a car and off the cops.

Black men need feminism NOT white guys?
This hypermasculine cave man meatheaded stupidity is what feminist should be telling black men to stop doing. Enough with the black on black hypermasculine violence, stop beating black women, stop acting the fool and get your lives together. Feminist NEVER EVER call out black men. Society never calls out black men. America is literally silencing anybody that calls out the toxic hypermasculine bullshit within the black community. Police aren't the problems, it's toxic black culture that hurts black men.

This is a black girl getting ganged up on and beatup by a group of black males... NOT ONE FUCKING FEMINIST SAID A DAMN THING.
Black men need feminism NOT white guys?
Instead feminist attack a chubby white guy for wearing an anime girls shirt. THIS motha fucka lands a mini craft on a comet in outerspace... yet feminist attacked him years ago just because he had an anime girls shirt. Feminist destroyed this mans moment and the news shamed him over a fucking tshirt. Nobody even cared about the craft landing on the comet.
Black men need feminism NOT white guys?
Black men need feminism NOT white guys?
15 Opinion