Why don’t conservatives have an open mind?

I remember when I was a conservative I was extremely close minded, I had my beliefs “set” and never sought to expand my horizons into different ideas and thought because of the rampant fear mongering that goes on in the right wing media which plays out this fantasy version of America that just doesn’t even exist where 8 year olds are being communists through the school system, 5 year old girls are transitioning, and blms a terrorist organization looting from small businesses. A fantasy dystopia of America that doesn’t exist where the “blue haired feminists” take away all of men’s rights.

I strictly remember never coming out of this mindset once I decided one day to give other beliefs I didn’t agree with the chance. I decided to have an open mind, and that’s when my opinions started to change. When I allowed myself to be my own individual and quit just parroting shit I saw being regurgitated by right wing figures I used to watch.

Because of this I just find it hilarious and a little on the nose that so many right wingers believe I’ve been brainwashed by my school, brainwashed by my parents, etc. when literally almost everything I believe in today is in direct contradictory to what’s taught in schools.

I really just hope that more right leaning people could take the time to engage with other beliefs and thoughts rather than staying in their own conservative bubble. You don’t even need to be looking to have your mind changed, all thats needed is an open mind and open heart.

Down bellow are previous YouTube watch results from literally last year just to show people can change and evolve.
Why don’t conservatives have an open mind?
Why don’t conservatives have an open mind?
Why don’t conservatives have an open mind?
Why don’t conservatives have an open mind?
101 Opinion