Wasn’t the Civil Rights movement a massive failure for black people? Why did they want to be integrated? Thoughts on my recent MyTake?

LBJ might’ve ended segregation, but he didn’t really have the best interests of black people in mind. He created a culture of dependency on big government and a cycle of multigenerational poverty among black people.

And as a result, black people are even less free today than they were before segregation.

They’ve surrendered their ability to think and decide for themselves by choosing to integrate into white society.

They are practically slaves in the current moment because the Democrats control all their thoughts by teaching them what to think.

They have absolutely no concept of free thought and individual identity like white people do.

So instead of complaining about how society is unfair because it is run by white people, black people ought to actually do something about it.

They willingly surrendered their control to white people all those decades ago by choosing to integrate into white society.

By integrating into society, black people agreed to give white people all the authority to make decisions on behalf of them.

When it would’ve been better for them to fight back through force and earn the respect of the people they wanted equality from.

They ought to just declare themselves independent from us and form their own ethnic Micronation, or just move to another country if they are unhappy with the way things are.

Because the truth is, most white people don’t give a f*ck about them. They have to focus on making themselves more likeable if they want our acceptance in society.

I disagree with black people that the definition of equality should mean equal outcome and not equal opportunity.

I do not believe that black people are entitled to all the same privaledges as white people if they are unwilling to work just as hard for them.

So instead of trying to gain acceptance from white people all those years ago, black people should have just said “f*ck it, we’ll do things our own way instead of submitting to your rules”.
Wasn’t the Civil Rights movement a massive failure for black people? Why did they want to be integrated? Thoughts on my recent MyTake?
6 Opinion