If We Were to Create a Third Major Political Party, What Would Be Its Main Focus, and What Would It Be Called?

Labour and Liberal - the two major parties. Thankfully the Greens are only a minor one.
Labour and Liberal - the two major parties. Thankfully the Greens are only a minor one.
A two party duopoly isn't something that only the United States suffers from; in Australia it's either the Labour Party or the Liberal Party, and the rest are too insignificant to matter. The Liberals used to be our conservative party, but they've gone so far left that they're virtually socialist now, and the Labour Party is practically communist.
My own political views are somewhere in the centre, libertarian perhaps. We (in both Australia and the U. S.) need a third major force, because what we have now just isn't good enough.
If We Were to Create a Third Major Political Party, What Would Be Its Main Focus, and What Would It Be Called?
8 Opinion