Is Russia invading Ukraine over water?

The claim: Russia invaded Ukraine back in 2014 through the Crimean peninsula. When peace talks came, Ukraine agreed to let Russia have Crimea (since Crimea was already majority ethnically Russian) but would shut off access to the fresh water supply from the Northern Crimean channel, effectively killing off most agriculture in the area.

This did not make Putin happy and made many attempts to get Ukraine to reopen the channel if Ukraine didn't comply, which has been pretty much ignored. About 2.2 million people live in Crimea and only have access to water for a short time every day.

Knowing this, would you say Putin has a more plausible claim to invade Ukraine or do you think its still not right for him to be invading?
Yes, Putin is justified
No, Putin is not justified
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Here is a link to a video explaining the claim in its entirety:
Is Russia invading Ukraine over water?
Post Opinion