Why did I get fired for hurting someone who was damaging productivity?

College-boy type tried stealing the work materials I was using for something important because he was having a tantrum and I punched him in the neck as hard as I could.

The only possible explanation I can think of as to why I was let go is because I handled the situation in an efficient manner (which I've noticed the vast majority of people tend to not like for some fucking reason).

What I do know is that kid is gonna be thinking twice before trying that crap with the next guy he's paired with. That place will be better off because I did this supposedly "unacceptable" thing.

This happened months ago but it still boggles the mind how ridiculously ungrateful people in charge tend to be
Wouldn't know what's good for them if they were living in paradise.
Why did I get fired for hurting someone who was damaging productivity?
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