Can we thank Donald Trump and his mentality to destroy the true fabric of the country for what has become the Un-United States of America?
Opinion: Madeleine Albright’s funeral showed how far America has fallen

The funeral for Madeleine Albright on Wednesday was a moment to remember not only the first female secretary of state, but rather a whole generation of public servants. This includes a number of revered Americans who have died in recent years — including Arizona Sen. John McCain, Kansas Sen. Bob Dole, President George H. W. Bush, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Colin Powell, the first African American secretary of state.

We can be grateful if not awestruck for these lives well lived, and for the determination of these individuals to put country over partisan and personal concerns. But they also, sadly, remind us that the general quality of leaders (especially senators) has degenerated dramatically.

It is impossible to imagine a bipartisan outpouring of admiration in the future for the Republicans who currently spend their time performing for right-wing media and pretending that defeated former president Donald Trump is a stable genius. And it’s hard to fathom Cabinet members who carried water for an unhinged president being touted as great patriots by hundreds inside Washington National Cathedral.

It might behoove the current crop of politicians — who seem to think their greatest achievements are reelection — to think about the legacy they are leaving behind. They should consider some of the common attributes of those lives we have recently celebrated.
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to the 3 people who DISAGREE..
Can we thank Donald Trump and his mentality to destroy the true fabric of the country for what has become the Un-United States of America?
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