When Criminals commit crimes what goes through there minds?

- The people they are hurting?
- How rich they can get?
- When is the next hit of drugs they can get for pawning off stuff
- A nice comfy prison and bed with 3 warm meals?

Would it be nice that we lived in a world where Prison was the last place on earth people would want to go to? I mean think about it, Criminals doing crime they would think about killing them selves before going back to prison!
Yet we treat prison inmates better than the homeless, how fucked up is that? Criminals have a warm cell, clean cloths, clean beds, nice food, social life's etc... When Criminals should get water boarding and strung up every night the whole nine yards. As far as I am concerned you commit a hard crime or do it multi times then you are no longer human you gave up your right to be treated like a human. Yet rapists, child rapists Have it better in prison that there actual victims and we still give them human rights (A voice to be herd).
When Criminals commit crimes what goes through there minds?
2 Opinion