Why do older people (+40) act the most immature on social media?

I started using the internet back in the late 90s and since then I always noticed that people in their 40s and over are usually the ones who act the most immature online.

people in this age group are usually the ones who troll the most. whenever you disagree with them or you post something they disagree with on social media they become vindictive and treat you like a bully who just stoled their lunch money. either that or when you proof them wrong and they realize they are wrong they will result to using antaginizing tactics to get you annoyed and then claim the victory is their's for making you loose your cool.

lastly these are the group of people who usually act the most authoritarian. they think they seen it all, been through it all and have the right to demand respect from everyone they look down upon. its like wtf is wrong with these people? does the internet make them feel more secure at being who they really are? are they tired of being mature in the real world?

Why do older people (+40) act the most immature on social media?
Why do older people (+40) act the most immature on social media?
Post Opinion