Will a sufficient number of the young who have few medical bills decide to outvote the old and elect politicians that will abolish Medicare?

Will a sufficient number of the young who have few medical bills decide to outvote the old and elect politicians that will abolish Medicare?

Why should young people agree to an income transfer and pay ten times the cost of their medical needs and/or health insurance so retirees don’t have to pay or greatly underpay in a system that will collapse before they retire?

The following is a 2014 quote from Gary North:

So, this is not accidental. This is more or less a conspiracy to hide the truth to keep ourselves and our kids in the dark about what the politicians are really doing, which is trying to garner the votes of older people and then get reelected and leave a bigger mess for our kids to handle.

Our kids will handle this effectively. They will elect people to Congress who will vote to stop paying the oldsters and their physicians, the vast majority of whom will be dependent on Medicare payments. I call this “stiff the geezers.” I also call it the Great Default. The surviving generations that ran up the liabilities will bear the brunt of the pain, as well they should.

There is no way out, other than default. This will have profound consequences politically, economically, and socially. It will be the end of the Keynesian welfare state. The Keynesians will be left holding the empty bag.

This is how all Ponzi schemes end. But those deluded souls who buy into them refuse to face statistical reality until the scheme blows up, leaving them empty-handed.

Will they be wiser after the Great Default? It is our job to explain to them what happened. We must begin with this: “We told you so. We also told you why.”

Will a sufficient number of the young who have few medical bills decide to outvote the old and elect politicians that will abolish Medicare?
16 Opinion