Is it possible that some “white knights” just got lucky with women earlier in their lives and never had to deal with getting burned?

In general I believe modern white knights are special kinds of sociopaths. They know they are dishing out cheap shots when they defend women who are unfairly bashing men. They also know the guys they are throwing under the bus are in reality getting treated extremely unfairly. They don’t care though. They know selling themselves short to get positive female attention and an improved chance of getting laid is worth it vía their twisted rationale.

With that said there are some guys who are just plain lucky. They managed to find decent women in their lives. Or they come from a place where male bashing isn’t so prevalent. Some are naturally sociopaths manwhores who know how to lie and manipulate. It works for them so they get their needs taken care of.

These guys have limited experience of being an innocent man who has gotten badly burned for doing what women “say” they want. So it makes sense they have different attitudes towards women in general. They had far fewer negative experiences with the opposite gender.

I have a former church pastor who was like that. He met his beautiful future wife (who has a good personality) his first year in college. He grew up in a conservative area where women are more respectful to men.

I remember his sermons being sometimes being very supportive and defensive to women. How preached that men need to be chivalrous. He never criticized modern women in any of his sermons.

In an ideal world he would be correct. But he never had to experience the insane misandry of modern women. I also think older generations of men often have similar outlooks. It wasn’t until very recently (e. g. Christi Ford and Brett Kavanaugh metoo era) that they have finally taken notice of insidious modern feminism truly is.

Anyway I don’t think those guys are the type of “white knights” that modern men are used to dealing with. They just haven’t been through the chainsaws like other guys have in our modern culture.

Is it possible that some “white knights” just got lucky with women earlier in their lives and never had to deal with getting burned?
Post Opinion