Is this the new normal we are supposed to be getting used to?

Nobody is safe from from the mad dictator in DC, not even a pastor whose case was dismissed
Nobody is safe from from the mad dictator in DC, not even a pastor whose case was dismissed

Unsurprisingly, here is yet another example of federal overreach, abuse of power, and federal police brutality. In the early morning of September 25, 2022, a federal hit squad in tactical gear assaulted and terrorized this peaceful family and arrested the man pictured for the crime of being a political opponent of the regime. Ironically, the reason this man is under assault from federal bullies is because he defended his son from being assaulted by a bully. The difference this time is that since the case was dismissed, double jeopardy rules apply and there is no probable cause for him to be picked up by federal domestic terrorists in full battle rattle. Those of you who think this is ok because he is a conservative are idiots; once you let this become precedent, it’s happens to your team next. Think about that when you are cheering on violence for political reasons.

Is this the new normal we are supposed to be getting used to?
Post Opinion