If a "real man" believes that women are equal to men mentally treat them equally why did men in early civilization control their women to begin with?

Since the ancient babylonians to the 19th or 20th centuries men in power controlled women in every aspect of their lives so they wouldn't became the narcissistic slags who act like overgrown teenagers and develop bad taste in violent muscular older tall men, you know like most modern women do.

If it's such an "incel" thing to want women to be controlled so they don't become shitty people, why were men in early civilizations like babylon have a culture where women's lives were regulated by men?

I'm not even the type of guy who wants a woman be a slave but a sexual companion that I can smoke weed and play games and watch movies with, but even I'm starting to think that men had much better understanding of women's nature and those "sexist" laws weren't put their to make our shitty modern women seethe for laughs. If feminism and sexual revolutions and women's rights results in young educated skinny guys being ostracized from having a woman then I can understand why babylonians had laws for women in place if the alternative gives us what modern women are being a bunch of over the top picky slags.
If a "real man" believes that women are equal to men mentally treat them equally why did men in early civilization control their women to begin with?
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