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Hunter is a private citizen.
Hunter is a private citizen.

Hunter Biden's legal team went on the offensive Wednesday, demanding state and federal investigations into the dissemination of his personal material — purported to be from his laptop — and threatening a defamation lawsuit against Fox News' Tucker Carlson for allegedly failing to correct false statements.

The flurry of letters to the Delaware attorney general, the Department of Justice, the I. R. S. and attorneys for Fox News and Carlson represent an aggressive new strategy for the president's son, who is facing long-running federal criminal investigations, as well as new probes promised by congressional Republicans, according to a source familiar with Biden's approach.

"This marks a new approach by Hunter Biden and his team," the source told CBS News. "He is not going to sit quietly by as questionable characters continue to violate his rights and media organizations peddling in lies try to defame him."

I believe in the right to privacy for all private citizens.
I believe in privacy UNLESS it's Hunter Biden. I am a hypocrite.
I believe in privacy & those whole stole Hunter Biden's info are criminals.
I wish someone would steal all of my computer files and post them online.
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