My parents think the only way to end racism is by not talking about racism. Do you agree with their approach?

I live in a household where racism is considered a taboo subject and they almost never talk to my little brother (he is 11) or even to me about Black History Month. However, I have started seeing corporations celebrate it and discuss diversity and the lack of it. Heck, I've recognized it in classrooms when I was much, much younger in middle and high school (not sure about elementary).

Because of my past bad behaviors (often with racial slurs involved), my mom and stepdad banned me from ever talking about race. I only used them in anger and not as a way to discriminate against people, I wanted to feel superior because this is how the media and some angry professors treated me - inferior.

Good approach, I agree with your parents
Bad approach, I don't agree with your parents
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My parents think the only way to end racism is by not talking about racism. Do you agree with their approach?
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