Have you noticed all the tatics racists are using on this site?


Being black, i can only speak on my experience with white racists.

But if you have experienced racism on here, share your experiences.

Are they lacking in intelligence, or egotistical?

I literally been called the n word, and a monkey, and in the same sentence they said, but i am not racist.

A racist user called me a freed slave, and said she ain't racist.

Or a white user will make a joke post, where they are just mocking us, and go, this isn't racist. I was making a joke. I got no problem with jokes, but when you do it in a way that straight up mocks us. That's racist

I love to learn about black history, and share mytakes about it, and instead of commenting on the mytake, they rant about how much black people are ruining America.

Are all the racists working together to silence black users, or are they so angry at us, they just target us, because many times i get told to be quiet and let them speak to me like this by other users?

I'm sorry but if your thought is she made me mad, i must throw racist insults at them, you are a racist.

This is a different type of racist on here, but The white savior racists.

They purposely make us the victims, talk for us about what they decide we should find offensive, and begin bashing white people, because they think it makes them cool with us, and equally enjoy making white people angry at us. Or they think we are so helpless, we need them to fight our battles, and tell us what we should find offensive.

And it's so crazy, when these white saviors bash white people, the white racists get on their post and just brutally attack us because a white person made them mad. Like why y'all mad at us, and not himšŸ¤£

There is the closeted white racists who are extra nice to us, and than when they think we aren't paying attention post opinions bashing us, and using the n word.(this is the most common form i see) yeah i got a few followers doing this. Don't think i don't see your comments.

1 y
So since a person tried to deny my example of racism by only partially posting the definition of racism. I will post the part she purposely hid to try and downplay my examples as not racism.


prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
"a program to combat raci
Have you noticed all the tatics racists are using on this site?
49 Opinion