Why are people accusing Trump for running up the debt ceiling! Did Biden spend money on anything?

Trump had to purchase new military equipment because Obama left the stock pile empty, so Obama looks like the good guy while he left the country's National Security in peril.
The COVID-19 virus started on Trump's watch. So naturally money had to be spent to save lives.
Biden thought he had a debt card with no limit. He is the one that went on the shopping sprees along with AOC. Are reparations necessary for the black community? Really? Is paying off college school loans getting paid off for students that haven't even been to college in year!
Trump spent money saving American 🇺🇸 lives on both the military equipment and the virus.
So, please tell us what Biden did to escape being responsible for our debt ceiling?
Why are people accusing Trump for running up the debt ceiling! Did Biden spend money on anything?
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