What is up with President Joe Biden?


Full disclosure, it's a known fact that I'm not the biggest advocate of Joe Biden. Even before he was president I had reason to be very suspicious of his behavior. I think we all know what I'm talking about without having to spell it out.

However, when he won the election I thought I'd let him prove me wrong. At first, he seemed quite passionate and not really that doddering at all. He was even able to give full interviews and participate in debates. That changed quite quickly. Now when I see Joe Biden, first I think how awesome that Return of the Living Dead is on and then I realise I'm actually just looking at a news clip of Joe Biden.

The other day, I saw this video with him. He was giving someone a congressional medal of honor or something to that effect. The guy holding the medal who Biden is supposed to take it from before putting it on the recipient had to stand there for a good few minutes while president Biden just stared deliriously into space. When he finally woke up to himself and went to put the medal on the guy, he puts it on all wonky. Then, he looks at his handiwork with such pride one would think he just won first prize down at the bingo hall. He didn't even notice how ridiculous the guy looked.

What's going on with him? Is he doped up on something? Just old age dementia, what?

What is up with President Joe Biden?
What is up with President Joe Biden?
27 Opinion