Not for nothing, but is the US beyond saving as a decaying society, or will conservative backlash be strong and decisive enough to correct course?


My main question is, will the US just inevitably continue to get worse?

Its just extremely mentally frustrating living in a socially decaying society where woke PC BS is being promoted literally everywhere in mass media, schools and public spaces. And then of course just the fact that people are obsessed with victimhood and complaining and finding issues in LITERALLY EVERYTHING.

Somehow “baby its cold outside” is offensive to women whereas Cardi B rapping about her “wet *ss p*ssy” is totally celebrated and encouraged.

I just tend to feel disconnected from American culture in general as well.

I’ll eat a hamburger, I love steak on the grill, I like drinking beer, but I’ve just never understood the obsession and the hype about American football in particular. I’ve just never cared.

I prefer to watch Ronaldo and Messi playing futbol matches.

And also just the obsession with consumerism and social media and celebrity culture and how people tend to be loud, obnoxious and narcissistic in general.

Its not even that we’re all hillbies and rednecks growing long bears like the English always stereotype.

Its more so just that most people in the younger generation were extremely spoiled growing up and have absolutely no respect and appreciation for things. They have this sense of entitlement and just thinking the entire world revolves around them.

Either way I’m just afraid the media has managed to manipulate and indoctrinate too many people. I don’t see things getting better myself, and I’ve honestly contemplated about moving to another country a number of times.

If Trump doesn’t win in 2024 I am probably going to lose my f*cking mind to such a point where it won’t end pretty for me, or the people in the WH.

I voted for Trump, but I was willing to give Biden an honest chance but it is just straight up the worst admin in American history.

I just can’t deal with the constant stress and headaches of having to deal with certain people and hearing certain things being said.

Not for nothing, but is the US beyond saving as a decaying society, or will conservative backlash be strong and decisive enough to correct course?
9 Opinion