Is women graduating from college a bad thing for society (please read) ?


I’m not trying to say women getting an education is a bad thing please don’t try to read that into this.

In 2023 more women are graduating from college than men. I think it’s a 60-40 split. Now in the dating world women want to date up. Money and status. Men tend to date down but honestly we don’t really care what a women makes we want a hot body and a partner, someone to cook clean take care of the kids (and I my case a dog or 2) so we don’t care what a women’s income is. Women because they need someone who care take care of them and provide for them want to date a man who is better than her financially. Hence why 40 year old men date 25 year old women because you’re richer the older you get as a man hence why as we age our value goes up. Women’s is most valuable at 18-25 young nice body and someone we can have kids with.

now we all know college will help you bring in more money. So women go to college get a 100,000 a year job she will tend to want a guy making 150,000-200,000 but 90% of men make 60,000-80,000 a year so since women want to date up this leaves 10% of guys for college educated women. So you have a lot of women who can’t get dates because they understandably want to date a man who makes more then her but she can’t because most of those guys are dating the 18-25 year olds and not the career college educated women in her 30. So it would seem college is actually bad for women on a society level,

(again not saying women shouldn’t go to college or get educated or it should be illegal for women to get educated just trying to ask a question and analyze the issue)

Is women graduating from college a bad thing for society (please read) ?
4 Opinion