Bidenflation harms everyone. Average American household is now paying more than $709 a month vs 2 years ago. How could you not hate Biden right now?


“It’s the economy, stupid”

- James Carvelle who was a chief strategist who helped democrat Bill Clinton win the 1992 election

CNN (not FOX, not breitbart, not Tucker Carlson) came out with this recent report about how average American household now spends $709 a month from just two years ago. Wages have not kept up with inflation and real earnings are down over $5K per American family. This is destroying people financially.

The Biden administration is directly responsible for this insanity. Inflation started going up the moment Biden took office. But democrats I talk to are in complete denial about inflation. Yet that doesn’t surprise me. Many of them are so deranged that Biden could announce that he’s going to test nukes in the middle of NYC if re-elected and they will still vote for him if he runs against Trump.

However I actually see Trump as the enemy right now. Not because all the that’s going on for him legally. But because he has given democrats the perfect excuse to get the attention the real MAJOR problem at that’s Biden administration’s gross incompetence on handling the economy. He’s the only man alive that could possibly pull that off.

Even before Trump was indicted he kept going off about how election was stolen from him in 2020, his own personal vendettas and spoke very little about what most Americans care about and that’s the inflation and economy. Not that he never brought it up but he always fixated on grudges and is extremely vindictive. That is what he seems to always wonder to in his speeches.

However I am even more pissed at how many stupid republicans are blindly backing him when he is dead even with Biden in most general election polls (which is actually horrible numbers for him all considered).

You can have sympathy for what’s happening to Trump but for the love of God pick a candidate that has the best shot at beating Biden.

8 mo
For those of you who keep saying “oh but inflation is trending downward”. Ah here is my response that:

- inflation started creeping up almost IMMEDIATELY when Biden took office.
- the 9% YOY inflation rates the USA saw in 2021 to 2022 didn’t magically go away (“transitory” my ass Janet Yellen). They rate is embedded despite the recent “low” month over month numbers. It’s like saying “well we took out $1000 in debt in 2022 when it was supposed to be $200. But the good news we have only taken
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- $200 recently. But let’s just pretend the earlier $1000 went away (and it hasn’t).
- The Biden administration IS directly responsible for inflation. They choked off domestic oil production which skyrocketed energy costs. Passed trillions of dollars on unnecessary bs spending (the inflation “reduction” act wtf) and spent $75 billion in the Ukraine war with NO EXIT PLAN.

All Biden had to do was do NOTHING when
Bidenflation harms everyone. Average American household is now paying more than $709 a month vs 2 years ago. How could you not hate Biden right now?
8 Opinion