Is rap music causing the culture of crime in black neighborhoods or is it responding to it?

I’ve always held there’s no real evidence of violent video games causing people to become killers.
Which was a huuuuge research thing back after Columbine. Because the shooters loved Doom. Which now is so fckin tame compared to today where machine-gun-chainsaws are used on zombies… lol.

Is rap music causing the culture of crime in black neighborhoods or is it responding to it?

But I did just watch young girls dance to rap lyrics “slap the bitch, get her on her knees” which appeared in my pinterest feed amongst countertops and camera lenses…lol. And it did make me think, they’re a bit too young for that shit. But idk…

Is rap music causing the culture of crime in black neighborhoods or is it responding to it?

And above could be commentary on gangsters versus family as he’s holding a baby. Which is profound. Certainly that was a popular trope during our mafia movie obsession.

So I don’t know…

Yes rap is a cause of crime
No, it’s just responding to the culture
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Is rap music causing the culture of crime in black neighborhoods or is it responding to it?
Post Opinion