We should all just accept that the border will never be addressed, right?

It is becoming increasingly clear that democrats are the only ones willing to treat the border problems like problems instead of handy optics. But democrats don't really prioritize the border over the more dire catastrophes they tend to inherent when taking over for a republican government.

Nevertheless, with republicans having a check in the house, they recently demanded a border deal, got everything they asked for, and then scuttled it because Donald Trump complained he would have nothing to campaign on if the border issues were resolved.

That's important to remember because it is sure to come up again: Trump complained he would have nothing to campaign on so they k8lled it. The implication here is republicans will never ever have anything else to campaign on besides the border. So, they will never have an incetive to fix it (unless of course they succeed in ending democracy and so dont need to campaign, but that's a different discussion).

The only way for the border problems to be addressed is if democrats win 4 - 8 consecutive years of legislative and executive control. But republican media will never allow that..

We should all just accept that the border will never be addressed, right?
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