Macron has made it clear that sending ground troops to Ukraine is not out of the question. Do you think this is serious?

In my opinion, Macron is just being Macron, i. e. using shock phrases, but in practice, they don't do much good. This sentence follows a long series of shock phrases from Macron, as he did on the subject of NATO or strategic autonomy.

What's more, this sentence is rather ambiguous, because what kind of troops is he talking about? Troops that would train Ukrainian soldiers? Troops that would be placed near the Ukrainian border to dissuade Putin from going any further? Or troops to fight?

So for me these are just words, which isolate France because many European countries are opposed to it, and which show Putin the division that exists between Europeans, when we need to show that we are united in our support for Ukraine.
Macron has made it clear that sending ground troops to Ukraine is not out of the question. Do you think this is serious?
Post Opinion