NYC deputy mayor charges Washington Post with "antisemitism". Is this an attempt to silence any reporting on Zionist Jewish activity in America?

This lawsuit seems to prove that Mayor Eric Adams is indeed in the pocket of wealthy Zionist conspirators for the Israeli lobby.

Read the details in this short article:

Keep in mind that Zionism, a nationalist ideology, does not represent all Jews or Judaism any more than Nazism represented what it means to be German.
Many Jews oppose Zionism. There are many Jews in the encampments to protest the slaughter and destruction in Gaza and to support the rights of Palestinians. Yet Zionists claim that any mention of Palestine or Palestinians is antisemitic. Are Jews who practice the Ten Commandments, have compassion for others, and support peace and justice antisemitic?

Opposition to Zionism and criticism of Israel have nothing to do with hatred of Jews or Judaism as Zionists claim. Israel simply uses "antisemitism" as a device to silence any criticism or discussion. It's a "get out of jail free" card; a cynical scam.

Semitic - of, relating to, or constituting a subfamily of the Afro-Asiatic language family that includes Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, and Amharic.
Aren't Zionists antisemitic for hating Palestinians and other people in the region and stealing their land?

NYC deputy mayor charges Washington Post with "antisemitism". Is this an attempt to silence any reporting on Zionist Jewish activity in America?
Post Opinion