is it that people in the federal government are just so much smarter than the people in the state government?
944 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Schools should all be at the local level run by parents.
22 Reply- 29 d
I couldn’t agree more. Department of education makes zero sense.
- 23 d
Most Helpful Opinions
7.9K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Yes, let's have children all attend schools that are run by parents who if they are lucky manage to finish 6th grade. That's a very intelligent choice.
02 Reply- 28 d
Are you just inferring that they are six grade educated or just being a jackass?
The department of education is federal. How would that change local schools? Where did you come up with parents teaching? 😂😂
- 23 d
Parents should run private schools, and not government idiots.
14.4K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Project 2025 addresses that problem. We do not need the Dept of Education so it will be defunded and disbanded.
07 Reply- 21 d
So what does the department of education do? - 21 d
@guacamole409. The DOE pushes liberal crap on our kids. I know some kids that are in grade school. They were looking at a lesson on their laptops. It was all a out global warming. I said "You know that global warming is not real, right? And they said that it was. There is a local kid that got suspended for wearing a t shirt that said "There are only two genders".
- 20 d
That's crazy. Public schools have to go.
- 20 d
Exactly, but the people who don't understand that, somehow think the federal government should be in charge
What Girls & Guys Said
1.2K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. tell everyone what they want them to do, right or wrong
11 Reply- 28 d
Just get rid of that useless, bloated joke.
- 29 d
They can turn the frogs gay.
13 Reply- 29 d
That just seems like a lot of money for gay frogs. - 29 d
Its not about the frogs. Its about about brainwashing people to keep them down. No homeschooling family business owners living autonomously..
- 29 d
I know what you meant.
937 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Just another venue from which to suck funds.
19 Reply- 29 d
Can you imagine how low our taxes would be if they cut out all the bullshit?
- 29 d
The death tax is my favorite.
- 28 d
That’s total crap what happens to them.
- 28 d
Yeah. And the guy my uncle had over their money imbezzeled from Randy about 200k, and I don't know about Donnie. It's probably about the same. He and his wife moved to Hawaii after Randy contested it with a lawyer, which cost him 50k. Donnie passed 13 years after his dad and Randy passed of a massive heart attack in St. Louis Missouri on December 18th 2018. 19 years after his dad. He was an over the road trucker. He had been my roommate since the previous May. We were double first cousins. He left me 48k. I started drinking again 3 months after. It sucks still.
- 28 d
Such a shitty system.
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