“The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners [The oligarchy]. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls. They got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear… They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying. Lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else… It’s called the American Dream, ’cause you have to be asleep to believe it.”—George Carlin
Government/politicians/corporations are the same thing. Corps are just an extension of the state, and operate almost entirely under the legal/regulatory framework of the government, and also provide a portion of their proceeds directly to the government. And the executives of the companies just go back and forth between political positions and corporate positions. Rulers are rulers. It makes no difference where they currently are employed.
And a fun fact is that corporations don't have to follow the constitution, so it's a nice way for the gov to bypass our constitutional rights.20 Reply
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4.2K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. It's true.
Politicians are just the hired sales staff for individuals and entities with unimaginable amounts of money. Those individuals and entities conspire in secret meetings on a regular basis to agree on goals and strategies. They own the government and media, so citizens are kept in the dark. And citizens have almost no say when it comes to political decisions. Instead, by controlling access to information and immersing people in social engineering propaganda, they are manipulated and led like ignorant sheep.11 Reply
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2.2K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. I think the carlin quote is pretty accurate, we don't really know for sure since that's not public info but we can kind of guess. My bet would be on the people owning the federal reserve (A private entity). They are in control of the money supply and there is more debt to them than money in existence. They use their power to work with the powerful big finance entities like blackrock / vanguard to force their policy trough the corporate chain while simultaneously having a big say in government policy.
Thats the simplistic view, but then you also have things that make it far more complicated. Bribes from other countries for example, I know for certain china is meddling in the US affairs trough wallstreet. You have world government entities like the UN who have increasingly more power. You have smaller players who still have influence, you have citizens you can only push so far, etc.
So its not exactly an obvious thing, its more a complicated mix of various dynamics but there are clearly people at the very top of the pyramid with the most saying power. Its just very very hard if not impossible to find out how all those connections are since its undisclosed.
12 Reply- 23 d
They can create infinite money and we all owe it back to them and the other rich banking families.
Had to search quite hard to find this back but its a documentary I saw many years ago which explains how the debt really works.
- 24 d
So many corporations run the country because what is illegal for the government to do is legal for some corpos. It's a clever little loophole where they have sitting government officials on the heads of tech companies that steal and utilize your data, spying on the population while they think it's just a regular company. These are proxies for their power. Not elected officials, mind you, but the deepstate, the people who have never ran for office and do not intend to do what's right by the country, only furthering the interests of themselves and their own 3-letter agencies.
It's a secret, economic empire explained here:
https://www.youtube.com/embed/pYtb5zatgMg20 Reply 7.1K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. The swamp and patriots are fighting for power. And guess what? patriots have 200+ million privately owned firearms available for use if the current evil goes too far. It's what the Left fears the most. Everybody's been real quiet. Good thing they can't arrest patriots for mind crimes. Recommendation: Be very afraid.
10 Reply1.5K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. I didn't read that book and I guess it's old and probably doesn't take under account economical shift towards China.
People have small influence on direction their country takes due elections. Elites aren't a monolith and compete with each other. Currently in all western economies speculation's capital tries to take over production's capital. In other words there is a group who pushes globalism and another group wants economical isolationism and protectionism.
00 Reply2.4K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Well the republicans believe the people own the government and small government while the democrats believe the government owns the people and want government everywhere in everything so I’m a republican. I can make my own decisions. I don’t want or need the government deciding for me and not giving me choices
12 Reply- 23 d
Ironically the Republicans aren't the party of small government what with striking down Roe v Wade, and some even want to ban birth control, and criminalize Non-straight people, and force religion down people 's throats by putting the ten commandments on public property.
- 23 d
@Paradox316 but it’s the Dems that want government controlled everything so goodbye
- 23 d
Numerous American “Think Tanks” are who own and control the United States.
Think Tanks are the ones that conceive and put forth American policies for congress and the president to sign into law or to not allow as law.
Think Tanks debate the pros and cons of American foreign and domestic agendas.
Sure, politicians contribute for their constituents but it is the Think Tanks that send the lobbyists to D. C.10 Reply 14.4K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. There is a government that owns most of the country. There are corporations that own most of the government.
20 Reply- 24 d
Technically the government runs the country by the consent of the people, so the people own it. In reality some people have a lot more influence than other people, and I don't just mean politicians and public servants.
00 Reply 2.3K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Very Interesting quote!
Awhile back. I heard that about 6 families run the United States. That they can make or break the stock markets!20 Reply- 23 d
Americans don't even know. Most assume.
I'd say pharmaceutical and oil companies.. and the banks are up there. They might not be slotted to be who owns it but they are getting away with it.00 Reply - 20 d
America for the most part is no longer owned by the people who built it or fought and died to protect it.
10 Reply - 23 d
10 Reply - 24 d
That could be said about any country.
31 Reply Israel, Israel owns the American government, both republicans and democrats.
10 Reply9.1K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Politicians and the religious leaders and donors who support em.
00 Reply388 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. It should be the people, and luckily we still do a little, but that will dissappear if we lose our gun rights.
10 Reply- 24 d
Literally hundreds of millions of people own it. This Walter Hickel dude is full of shit.
00 Reply - 23 d
A small group of well-funded party activists
00 Reply - 21 d
Everyone is playing pretend. Doesn’t belong to anyone
00 Reply 5.9K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. A handful of billionaires
10 Reply1.3K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Carlin was right. It's the same everywhere.
10 Reply- 24 d
Israel, I think?
10 Reply - 24 d
The rich, in simple terms.
10 Reply 4.5K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. The democratic party owns it
20 Reply3.1K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. America is a corporatocracy
10 Reply- 23 d
Of, by, and for the people
00 Reply 1.2K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. @Kelley1 corporations
10 Reply961 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. CIA feds
20 Reply- 23 d
China does.
00 Reply
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