I would imagine everyone at some point has, mostly small ones like jaywalking, or dumb ones that I'm sure exist too 💀
- Anonymous(25-29)22 d
I smoke weed recreationally in a state where it's only medically legal. I also dealt weed back in the day and participated in an armed robbery.
Short version we we're trying to scare the shit out of the guy and steal his stuff because my friend was in love with a woman who claimed she was almost raped and was robbed by the guy and he stole the weed she was holding for us. I didn't know her but I trusted my friend and he had done such a good job gaslighting me he drove a wedge between me and my own dad.
I backed him up but it turned out she actually stole the weed and invited the guy over banged him and smoked our weed with him then accused him of stealing it so she wouldn't get caught when my friend asked about to weed. The lie snowballed out of control, and she just kept doubling down instead of coming clean because she was a thief and a coward.
I was angry at the world and dealing with some significant trauma at the time (Still am) and I'd been told he was a meth runner as well as the lie about her nearly being raped but she lied about the whole thing. Poor guy got the shit scared out of him and probably thought he was going to die. We got caught and when the truth came out, I was mortified and felt and still feel incredibly guilty.I admit if he was a meth runner and an attempted rapist, I'd do it again, but he wasn't, he was just some random shmuck from a dating app. During the trial process she got pregnant and got out halfway through a two-year sentence. She immediately dumped her scape goat baby with her grandparents and disappeared and hasn't been heard from since. She had an addiction problem, so my guess is she OD'd.
00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
4.7K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. LOL Lots of times.
Sex with underage girls when I was between the ages of 16 and 22.
Drinking when I was underage.
Trying drugs and smoking lots of weed.
Driving over the speed limit lots of times.
Driving while under the influence.
Straightening out curves (crossing the center line) on mountain roads.
Trespassing but not doing anything malicious.
Petty theft a couple of times.
All that stuff was when I was young. I got some speeding tickets. I also got busted for possession of weed once - a misdemeanor. But aside from that, I never got caught or got into any trouble for anything.
21 Reply
•Drove with a street cone on my windshield at 1am in a small town where it was literally only me and a cop driving in town, got my license taken away because it was endangerment and apparently reckless driving.
•🍃 is completely illegal but I still love that and used to grow
•Driven drunk before- wasn’t wasted but had a few drinks before driving14 Reply- 24 d
Why the cone tho? What's with the cone? 😂
- 24 d
Stoner ideas are just as bad as intrusive thoughts if not worse lol
- 25 d
Jaywalking isn’t even considered a crime anymore since practically everyone does it.
I value freedom and travel too much to consider a jail time opportunity.21 Reply- 24 d
The worst thing about travelling is that you can break the rules and not know cause you didn't learn the laws and rules of the place you chose to travel too lol
What Girls & Guys Said
890 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Sure, once or twice I had to go into holding for it as well, once a diversion program. You get a big head from all the times you don't get caught that you start forgetting that you have to get away with it every time, and they only have to get you once lol
10 Reply- 24 d
Mostly driving offenses , not that I’ve been caught but usually speeding or running a red but not excessively or dangerously , albeit in my opinion and that of my passengers. I’ve always had a led foot and a powerful car.
Other than that I can’t think of any13 Reply- 24 d
Been there, you calculate the safest red light crossings lol
- 24 d
Exactly , never where is pedestrian crossing but usually late at night when there is little to no traffic on the back roads and not at the weekends.. you know the conscientious red light racer 😂
- 24 d
Yea mostly looking out for those traffic cameras, those are assholes, they would get you for doing a red turn on an empty road without making a full stop lol
- 22 d
A few. Went to juvi for one. Though I didn't do it. Uhh I mean I pirate movies and tv shows. Have sold and used illegal drugs. Shoplifted a couple times
13 Reply- 22 d
"I didn't do it" is probably the most used sentence in any form of penetenterary but since you aren't still in there I'll believe you ha
Lol I didn't know you had it in you doozy 😂 - 21 d
I was a young teen defending my foster brother at the time from being beaten by our drunk foster dad. He pushed me into a cabinet which then fell on me. He claimed I purposfully pulled it over. 🙃
The other stuff is pretty typical laws people break lol - 21 d
Now I feel like a dick damn, I don't know what to do with that information but I will say you are a fighter, that's a good thing to have, it takes heart and guts, thats the attitude and mentality of someone that refuses to be a victim or let others be, and I respect it, don't change that side of you doozy 🙂👏🏼
Well i technically stole a Kebab cuz i was buying one and the guy had a new worker there, and he gave me my kebab and just was like good day. He forgot to ask me to pay for it just gave it to me and have a nice day so i just walked away.
13 Reply- 24 d
Well free kebab, he gave it to you, technically it's not stealing even tho you know you didn't pay, it's not like you put gun to his head and went like GIVE ME THE MF KEBAB NOW BEFORE I BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF 💀
- 24 d
Even if you were about too, the fact that you didn't mean you didn't do anything wrong, you chillin lol
- 25 d
nope never
ESPECIALLY speeding like i am totally not a pro at speeding in a way that i don't get a ticket... 👉👈115 Reply- 24 d
Yea right the ticket is the worst part lol
You can run into something or someone 😂 - 24 d
wellll you have to be smart about speeding so you don't get a ticket or hit something lol
- like let 1 or 2 people drive faster than you so they get the ticket
- don't stay in the left lane bc cops look there for speedsters & it's a passing lane for a reason
- look for spots cops like to hide + knows areas/time of day cops are annoying about tickets - 24 d
Or you can outrun them lol
- 24 d
but that'd be breaking the law
we don't do that here - 24 d
You reply was perfect timing I was just watching your cringy sister 😂
www.instagram.com/.../?igsh=NDZoaWIxbHE0djE1 - 24 d
i fw her she got that wooksmaxxing zesty rizz
https://voca.ro/14yszMzZXrZ0 - 24 d
Stop 😂
- 24 d
were you worried it was another harley quinn impression
- 24 d
Nope, your grandma is sleeping at this time 😂
- 24 d
You gotta keep the cringe levels at a low volume, Harley Quinn is top notch cringe which requires top notch volume 😂
- 24 d
i keep forgetting you know that lol
and i wish i COULD sleep rn bc it sounds really nice
https://voca.ro/1e2OWo3nYUn7 - 24 d
and that's true lol
- 24 d
Why not? You have the the ganja, don't tell me it's not enough now, you are gonna have to move it up a notch with some codeine lol
- 22 d
nah i'm good lol i stay away from opioids
it was just one of those nights - 22 d
Yes way to often specially driving to fast re-state//background_color_rgba (0, 0, 0, 0), font_color_rgb (77, 77, 77), justifyLeft
11 Reply- 24 d
It be like that sometimes 💀
3.9K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Yes I got charged for failing to yield the right away. The car that run me down almost ended my life. I never saw him coming. Bike & a car. The bike loses every time.
16 Reply- 24 d
You didn't break the law tho you got broken, that asshole got caught tho right?
- 24 d
Why did you get charged?
- 24 d
Well I'm glad you are alive 🫠
- 25 d
Yes, many times. Most of the time I got away with it too. Most of it was small stuff that everyone does
And I would constantly break policies at work that I thought were stupid.
16 Reply- 24 d
Did you ever get caught? Lol
- 24 d
A few times
- 24 d
But actually, almost each time I got caught it was because of someone else
- 24 d
Damn snitches, gotta hate those
- 24 d
It wasn't necessarily snitches. It was more my friends being idiots
- 24 d
Oh that's better than snitches I guess
Rules not apply beside just here temporary this worst screen to be in seen it 1,000 times 100 ways on 10 screens if getting caught in anything just not plan out good enough 420,420,000yrs there was no kind of law enforcement unless they time traveled
10 ReplyAside from more paper work thing, sexual assault and murder i commit almost all of them.
Robbery, scaming, underage substance abuse, assault, injuring, trespassing, underage riding, racing, blackmailing, gamble etc
10 Reply473 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. haven't really done anything illegal since i was 19, though as a teen though umm... 😅😅
13 Reply- 24 d
So what did you do? 😂
- 24 d
shoplifting, stealing money, stealing my guidance counsellor's credit card to try to buy the newest iphone... (it didn't work though), underage smoking, when freshly 18 getting drunk in public often to the point where strangers had to get me home, trying drugs a couple times, technically sending cp of myself (16-17yo) to people above 18, not paying the metro or bus fare every now and then, lying about my age to go into places i shouldn't
- 24 d
So the whole wreckless child behavior, fair enough 😂
- 24 d
Yeah many.. but never any that would inconvenience other people lol
11 Reply- 24 d
Way to go peachy lol
- 23 d
Oh, yeah I drove without a license plenty and insurance of times, and I used to frequent the rail road tracks as a short cut.. I even hoped on the freight trains with the guys back in the day..
10 Reply 17.8K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Not me, it was somebody else that looked like me.
11 Reply- 24 d
- 25 d
They say Catholics shouldn't go to Protestant or Anglican faiths like jumping ship so to speak lol - I for one enjoyed my time with the Anglican aka the Protestants - how they viewed Christianity and organised religion was very useful and still to this day is useful ☯️
06 Reply- 25 d
P. S. guess I'm a pretty bad Catholic. 😅😋🫠🎉🫣
- 25 d
*Anglicans (I forgot the s) lol,
- 25 d
Like writing The Anglicans or the Anglicans - aka like writing The Catholics
- 25 d
Anglican aren't so bad, but most other Protestants are just awful!
When people ask me my religion, I don't say "Christian" I say "Roman Catholic" to distinguish myself from those nut jobs.
My parents put me in a Protestant school for a year then pulled me out after they found out about their rules and the shit they were teaching us.
I dated a Protestant girl and it only lasted 2 weeks. She didn't even consider me a Christian.
There was a 7th Day Adventist at my work and he was unbearable.
And one Mormon girl told me if I'm gonna swear to not talk to her.
Why would you degrade yourself like this?
Anglican and Lutheran are still fine, but the rest are trouble. Stay away from them.
There was one Protestant girl at my work, she said she's non denomination now and started having mass in someone's house, because her church went mad and was making them do mass barefoot. And when her mom reported them to the head of the diocese, they did nothing
Protestants are bad news.
One of my neighbors joined the Venture club at school and the lady called his house because he didn't show up to mass one day.
The only time I was ever "harassed" by Catholics was when I would ditch Sunday school, and even then it was only on campus. Other than that, Catholics could care less if you attend mass or not. - 25 d
Surely the Protestant woman you dated can't have been all bad either lol 😆 though to only last two weeks, shrug 🫣😄
- 25 d
Some people gel and others just don't gel 🫧🧼
8.5K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Its said that ordinary people break laws and rules every day. Im probably an in convicted felon.
23 Reply- 24 d
“The Department’s view that the Constitution prohibits the continued indictment and prosecution of a President is categorical and does not turn on the gravity of the crimes charged, the strength of the Government’s proof, or the merits of the prosecution, which the Office stands fully behind. Indeed, but for Mr. Trump’s election and imminent return to the Presidency, the Office assessed that the admissible evidence was sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction at trial.”
1.7K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Many times BUT it's always fault of others. In my breast throbs a heart of an innocent child who wouldn't do anything bad.
10 Reply1.2K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. break a rule and then you will pay the consequences
17 Reply- 24 d
That's how it's suppose to go yea lol
- 24 d
@ChicoFromThe305 I know first hand
- 24 d
Now you're gonna have to specify Jenn 🫠
- 24 d
@ChicoFromThe305 you already know
- 24 d
If you say so
- 24 d
I got the Board of Education - 24 d
Again I don't know what that means
- 25 d
Yep. Petty Theft when I was in my early 20s. Not proud of it though.
29 Reply- 25 d
You mind if I ask what you stole? I think most people have done that at some point. Nothing to be ashamed of
- 25 d
A shirt
- 25 d
From a store?
Pffffffffffffff. It's not the crime of the century. And you can now do that legally in California - 25 d
Yep from Wal-Mart and I didn't know that. And that's why I said petty theft. It wasn't anything significant at all but I still feel bad about it and I believe gave me bad karma for many years.
- 25 d
From WAL MART? That's quite an achievement. With all the security they have it's not an easy place to steal from. Usually you start at the Dollar Tree and Wal Mart is the final level, so that's quite impressive.
Bad karma? What happened?
- 25 d
Getting into a lot of credit card debt that I'm just now about to get out of. And Walmart back then didn't have as much security as it does now.
- 24 d
I don't necessarily think that's karma for stealing one shirt. The punishment certainly doesn't fit the crime.
Also, that's something that could've been easily avoided.
But it's good you're out of it now and will be more careful.
I mean, they had cameras everywhere, but it wasn't AS bad as it is now. It's practically impossible to steal anything from Wal Mart.
I had friends who worked at Wal Mart and they were surprised by all the extra security considering Wal Mart has cameras everywhere - 24 d
Yeah it's super hard to steal now and I wouldn't dare attempt it.
- 24 d
Yeah, I've stolen from other places, but I don't mess around with stores.
One of my buddies in high school would always steal from the Dollar Tree, and we'd have him bring us stuff😂
He said his goal was to steal from Wal Mart 😂
I don't know if he ever did.
My friend said he walked out a classroom with a computer once and no one said or did anything😂
But it's not even about the security. I feel guilty stealing from a store, but not so guilty about stealing from other places. Though I probably wouldn't feel guilty if they were ripping people off. But I'm not gonna judge anyone who does.
If you can get away with it, good for you.
- 24 d
One thing you learn very quickly in law school: everyone breaks dozens of laws daily. It's unavoidable.
10 Reply - 25 d
As often as I can - when it does not hurt people, but only ''the System''.
20 Reply - 23 d
yeah sure but just minor shit and not with malicious intend.
10 Reply 2.5K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. The average American unwittingly commits 3 felonies a day, so probably.🤷
10 Reply- 24 d
Ah sweet survival.
11 Reply- 24 d
- 25 d
All the time. Rolling pass stop signs etc.
11 Reply- 24 d
Midnight no 😫
I’ve probably broke a few “rules”, but I don’t break the law except for an occasional speeding ticket.
00 Reply- 24 d
Everyone has like you said
13 Reply- 24 d
Boo you suck you didn't mention it 👎🏼
- 24 d
Speeding, drink at young age, illegal download... Stuff like that. I stole once, which is probably worst
- 24 d
Oh so the make my life easier stuff, that fair enough I take back my booing -👎🏼
Yeah I like small breasts
24 Reply- 25 d
What 😂
- 25 d
I've never heard of that before
- 24 d
Evading bus fare, jaywakling, trying to access the British sex offender list...
00 Reply - 25 d
A couple of times, yes.
11 Reply- 24 d
I broke the wrist bone law, that's it
22 Reply- 25 d
I don't know what that is tbh
- 24 d
I stay away from the drama
11 Reply- 24 d
Of course you do lol
- 25 d
Every time I drive a car, I have heavy shoes.
20 Reply - 25 d
Hasn't everyone if we're honest
22 Reply- 25 d
Yep that's what I believe too lol
- 25 d
Exactly. Anyone who claims they haven't is lying.
Occasionally speeding
10 Reply4.4K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Of course. Speeding, mostly.
21 Reply- 25 d
Slimed a house in college with my friend
21 Reply- 24 d
Slimed? How much slime y'all had lol
- 24 d
Every time I get in car and drive
10 Reply 1.9K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Sure. A few laws and rules.
10 ReplyLaw, no. Rule yes.
10 ReplyWho me Nooo…
11 Reply- 23 d
- 24 d
I speed occasionally.
00 Reply - 24 d
Like all day every day. Rules are for losers.
00 Reply At times.
10 Reply
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