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Questions: Society & Politics

Is swimming for liberals and rich people?

I'm down-on-my-luck and a conservative and I have not, and will not, enter a body of water. Unless it rains, I prefer staying dry and being on land, and solid ground. Then again, I never grew up near a lake or ocean, and...
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I don't mean the political system. Show More
Yes, China's economic system is capitalist.
No, it is not.
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This how your party keeps you upset?

Again…it’s new homes being built. Not yours. Theyre trying to keep your attention away from a criminal presidential nominee.
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Biden? Can anyone give me a real truthful answer on why you are voting for him?

I can not see one good reason someone will vote for him. I'm not hear to bash him, just want to know why you would think he's your choice.
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Yes, it is misogynistic
No, it is not misogynistic
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What do think people should do in their life before they die?

List of all of the things you think people should do before they die.
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Yes I agree
No I disagree life is fair
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Is freedom of speech even still a thing?

Here's a simple example that happens to me all the time. Instagram in its infinite wisdom constantly decides that my comments (which are basic non provocative statements most of the time) are spam and proceeds to...
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Do you agree there are more republican supporters that are miserable than non Trump supporters?

My sister and her romantic partner are republicans. Sister is a Trump supporter and he isn't but still a weird republican like her that is full of hate. They always say racist and bigoted stuff towards people of different...
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How do you feel about Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico, being shot?

His condition is said to be critical and doctors are fighting for his life. The guy who shot him is said to be a 71 years old man, who had a gun legally. The assasination was said to be caused by the man's...
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Do you like EARLY VOTING?

Here in the US, it's Spring Primary time, where voters in several states vote to determine who the party candidates will be in the election in November, which includes voting for the President, Senators, Congress...
Here in the US, it's Spring Primary time, where voters in several states vote to determine who the party candidates will be in the election in November, which includes voting for the Show More
We have Early Voting - I VOTE EARLY
We have Early Voting - I DO NOT VOTE EARLY
We DO NOT HAVE Early Voting
Doesn't matter - I DO NOT VOTE
Something else - please tell
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Why are some (so many) Democrats so rude and dismissive on Quora?

They exhibit authoritarian behavior, the denial of authoritarianism is extremely authoritarian
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