(Btw it’s is technically illegal to aim for the groin but that doesn’t mean girls can’t easily get away with it)

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I may have in the heat of the moment but I have never intended to do that. As you said, it is illegal, and I'd rather win the match fairly.
What if it was a legal target do you think you’d be able to win more often? Sometimes I wish it was legal it’s hard to restrain myself from aiming there sometimes do you feel the same?
Sometimes yes. Boys are very easy to beat up when you hit their groin but it seems cowardly as that's the easy way
Are you a wrestler? It’s illegal, does the ref ever call you out? I notice girls can get away with a lot compared to guys and the refs don’t blow the whistle very often for them. What do you usually do in your matches to aim for it? Do you think the singlets make us guys look vulnerable? I feel so vulnerable in my singlet I think I may start wearing a cup especially against girls.
I totally agree. It’s literally easier to fight boys than girls. One hit and they’re on the floor. And then they call us the weaker ones lol they’re basically physically inferior in that way
Yes I wrestle but I don't often go for it as I prefer a challenge. Yes it looks vulnerable lol
@Brandy1017 I wouldn’t say guys are super weak because of it. If it was so easy to defeat a guy girls would never get raped or overpowered yet this happens all the time at far higher rates to women than men. If it was so easy to escape as to just use one blow than these incidents would never happen but they do. It’s not the be all end all and guys can defend/dodge hits to that area a lot of the times. We both have our weaknesses and I am not denying that’s a weak point but it doesn’t completely cancel out strength entirely.
@boycatcher2006 what happened in the wrestling matches where you did aim for it what did you do? Did you win? Did it really make it that much easier? I’ve had girls hit my groin in matches before and aim for it outright but it didn’t always result in a win for her. Even had some girls grab it on purpose and squeeze hard and when I try to get out they’d just chuckle and squeeze harder. I am big down there especially my balls and everything hangs down a lot in my singlet so unfortunately groin grabs or shots will get me too my knees or the ground and force me to stop what I’m doing to her. Had one round where she squeezed near the end of a round really hard and when I was saved by the round whistle I spent like a whole minute on my knees massaging myself from the damage 😭. Still have beat a majority of the girls I’ve wrestled tho it’s just y’all can be so dirty to our packages 😭. Can’t say I blame you tho I mean we are stronger if I was a girl and I wanted to win a match I’d probably do something similar when the target is revealed to me like that
Reply also @brandy1017 I’m not saying boys are superior either I Just think we are equal with different strengths and weaknesses. I have a small girlfriend and I still worry about her when she is around men in dangerous situations like walking in the city late at night but knowing that she has at least some chance in a struggle does make me feel a little better.
I often win against boys and the times I went for it I squeezed it once and I won. However, boys can be protective over that organ so it's not always easy to go for it.
@boycatcher2006 Wow was it really that easy? What happened? How did he react? Did he just like go to the mat holding his package after you did that and you could just do whatever you wanted? Ah I usually win against girl because I’m older and as we get older guys become a lot stronger so I’m a lot lot stronger than most girls and also I row so I have a strong build and I’m very fit a lot like the guy in the pic. (Only downside of being older as a guy is our package grows bigger too along with our muscles so we do get weaker down there after puberty.)
I rarely lose against girls and even managed to come back after a groin hit once. The only 2 girls I lost against I was able to pick up and slam them to the mat I was so much stronger but they ended up getting me with accurate hits/grabs to my balls and then my strength didn’t matter once they got me there hard and I just went to the mat trying to massage the damage to my manhood 😭.
I practice a lot tho to find effective ways to dodge those attacks though. I don’t wear a cup because it’s really uncomfortable and can be misplaced and if I beat a girl I wanna do it while my weaknesses are exposed so it feels
more like a genuine victory. It also helps me feel more masculine knowing I can win even with that area all revealed and exposed like that. As a wrestle are there any practices/techniques you recommend to avoid attacks to that area while wrestling girls?
The time when I grabbed a boy's groin he just fell to the mat like you said. I don't think there's much difference at my age from fighting boys and girls. At your age there's more of a difference.
@Brandy1017 Yup but then the guys will be like "Augggh my balls rolling around holding their nuts" lol
@Erixlcalovescats balls are just weak 😂
@icequeen03 yes my girl they are just like boys
@ericalovescats do you actually beat up guys using their balls?
@icequeen03 lol I've taken a few guys down that way lol
@ericalovescats that's awesome XD
@icequeen03 You should check out my recent post haha
@Brandy1017 lol I answered
@icequeen03 I mean read this guys replies. He sounds like he gets beat up by girls in wrestling because of his balls. He seems like a strong good looking guy but he has a big package that hangs that girls take advantage of XD. Guys look so vunerable in their singlets look at these gifs that I found on another post lol.
images. app. goo. gl/692yXJ2KhmQZvcri6
images. app. goo. gl/FnoJd33wwxmRsBsz5
Lol I went to a wrestling match one time and a guy was on top of the girl his ass was facing me and his junk hanging down like in the gifs. She just swung her heel up into his junk hard. This guy was big so his balls compressed up into his body and bounced and jiggled around and then he just rolled off and started massaging himself moaning and they had to call a timeout.
Pretty sure the girl did it on purpose 😂
@icequeen03 remove the spaces between the periods for the links that didn’t turn blue to click on.
@questiongirl567 omg balls do look vulnerable in those singlets XD. Yeah, I'm assuming she did it on purpose 😂
@boycatcher2006 are you still wrestling by the way? Wanna dm?
I think the inverse question should also be asked. When you go against a girl do you ever try to change up strategy like more grappling upper body around her breasts?
Are you a wrestler?
Yes. Why?
Oh I just was curious because you can answer my question better if you are a wrestler like me. Also do you notice guys doing that? Guys typically don’t play dirty even against other guys we don’t ever touch the sensitive areas on purpose but I notice girls are a lot more dirty against men and other girls when they wrestle and when going against girls honestly we are just afraid to grope you because then we will get in trouble. You do have an advantage though because I tend to avoid touching that area and it makes for some awkward holds. Also guys hardly ever wrestle girls and are used to wrestling guys and guys aren’t sensitive in the chest at all so we don’t know what hurts and what doesn’t we just try to win with the usual holds and sometimes the chest just gets in the way. While I try to avoid the chest I do use upper body moves more against girls simply because I know The strength disparity is a lot bigger for the upper body. I don’t believe you girls are sensitive enough there for moves there to give us much of an advantage even if we were dirty like that.
But back to my question too. Have you ever aimed for the groin/balls on purpose? Do you do it in most of your matches? Did it ever give you a victory? I’ve been in matches where It seems to be on purpose. Feel free to ask me more questions though it’s interesting to know if we really exploit our weaknesses while wrestling it’s something I can’t talk about with a girl wrestler in person
No. I always want my wins to be fair wins. To me doing that would be the same as using an illegal hold or pulling the uniform.
Is it awkward for you when you wrestle a girl
Sorry I took so long to respond I’m busy with school work. Yes it is awkward. Wrestling against a girl is a lose lose situation. If you win you beat up a girl. If you lose you just lost to a girl. None of those options sound good. Not to mention all the touching and how revealing our uniforms are. I almost always win against girls but almost every girl I wrestle aims for my package and plays dirty I notice. I’ve been hit there and still won but only because the round ended right after the hit. The only time I lost is when I got hit there and I went to the mat and she capitalized. I’m a muscular good looking fit guy and I have a similar face and build to the guy in blue in the pic for the question. Even had people tell me I look like him.
I can pick up most of my girl opponents and do throws easily even but my one disadvantages is my package is really big compared to most guys and my my balls hang down a lot in my uniform and my package sticks out a lot so I think girls see my strong body and then see that and see it as an exploit. The match I lost I got grabbed/hit there while I picked her up and tossed her to the mat but then she got me there pretty accurately from below and I went to the mat and massaged my manhood😭 but I didn’t have enough time to recover before she was able to get the pin. The other match I was laying on top of her and she got swung her heel up into the hanging down bit of my package and I went to the mat and massaged myself but the round ended so I didn’t lose. But yes it’s really awkward guys don’t usually try to get me there. Do you ever get hit in the chest or grabbed there hard enough to mess up your performance or affect the match outcome?
i don't wrestle, but those tight little uniforms are almost begging for a nutshot.
How so? What sports do you do?
I don't do official wrestling but I have beaten dudes in fights by punching them there. I remember one time there was this lousy guy who trashtalked me (and girls in general) before our fight so after he went down I pushed his hands away and gripped his balls super hard and squeezed (I have a lot of hand strength) and made him say "Girls are better fighters than boys" before I let go. It's not like I do it all the time but I did it to prove a point then.
Wow lol what sport was this?
@questiongirl567 Not a particular sport just like a school fight
Late reply but omg lol guys are so strong but don’t know how sensitive they are sometimes.
My ex boyfriend went against a girl once and his ass was facing me and he was in a position kind of like these:
images. app. goo. gl/692yXJ2KhmQZvcri6
She swung her heel up into his balls and I saw them bounce from the impact 😂😭. He went down moaning but it was kind of funny to see. Luckily he was fine after a few minutes
You think you’d aim for them on purpose in wrestling?
What other fights have you been in where you won that way?
Not any more than male wrestlers aim for female wrestlers’ groins/breasts, I’d assume.
I don’t know about wrestling, I’ve kicked a lot of guys in the nuts. Really any chance I get.
I don't wrestle but u my dude have a weird fetish
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