6 Texting Tips That Won’t Let Your Chats Die!


Hello and welcome everyone! It’s your boy Hal and it’s been a while since you’ve been stalking that hot guy/girl in your class and of course you don’t have enough balls to ask him/her out so you’ve decided to break the ice over internet but your texting skills cause more disaster than “The Incredible Hulk” (I’ve a paid partnership with Marvel🤣). Well this piece of shit- I mean writing is especially for YOU. So, let’s be *Sirius Black*(Potterheads got excited 😂).

6 Texting Tips That Won’t Let Your Chats Die!

1) Don’t *Hi* Them

Okay, so this goes mainly for guys. Don’t ever send just a “Hi” or a “Hello” to a girl. Why? Because if you know, a girl has zillions of message requests from creeps that start with “Hi” “Hello” “good morning” blah blah. So, your message is surely gonna be ignored. Now you might be like “How the *Hal* am I going to start the convo?”. My answer is “Questions are da wae”. You know that they play guitar, or maybe play some sport or have some hobby. Just start it with talking about that. Make it look something like “Hey! Well I just noticed that you play guitar. Would ya mind if I ask which one do you play- Acoustic or Electric?”. This might look anything but not creepy leaving high chances that you’re gonna get some reply.

6 Texting Tips That Won’t Let Your Chats Die!

2) Talk about something they like

Don’t just start glorifying yourself or start talking about something you like and shit. Pay attention to what they are interested in. It doesn’t matter if you’re interested in “Politics”. The person on the other might have zero interest in it and will eventually avoid you.

6 Texting Tips That Won’t Let Your Chats Die!

3) Don’t give one word replies

This is the main reason why your chats die within an hour. If you’re gonna reply with “Hmm”, the hell is the other person supposed to say, huh? Keep in mind: They are currently not the ones who wanna talk to you. You are the one who wanna get in their circle which means “YOU” have to take the initiative. The only reason why people open up with me is because I don’t let my conversations die. If I’d really want to talk to someone, I’ll never get out of topics, no matter how much one worded replies I get.

6 Texting Tips That Won’t Let Your Chats Die!

4) Ask a lot of questions

Questions compel them to reply. You can ask several questions related to their studies, whether they have siblings or not etc etc. but don’t make it creepy- “Hey babe! Do you use pads or tampons?😂😂”. Again, try to ask about something they are interested in. Just imagine yourself. If you know a lot about technology and someone asks you “What does a processor do?”, won’t you give them a huge ass speech on processors? Exactly!!

6 Texting Tips That Won’t Let Your Chats Die!

5) Make jokes but not on them

This mainly goes for guys. We’ve all heard that girls appreciate humour and love funny guys but guess what? Most of them can’t take no humour up their ass. And if she can, I bet she’s a keeper XD. So, crack jokes but not on her. Trust me, I’ve been there and a girl with roasted ass is deadlier than a vampire.

6 Texting Tips That Won’t Let Your Chats Die!

6) Match their mood

Try to be jolly and don’t be negative. Not many people love pessimists. Second, when I say be jolly and happy-hearted every time, I don’t really mean EVERYTIME. Imagine her mourning over her grandma’s death while you end up sending a laughing emoji. *BLOCKED*

6 Texting Tips That Won’t Let Your Chats Die!

Well this was all for today.

thanks for reading🤗

Love you people💝


6 Texting Tips That Won’t Let Your Chats Die!
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