Let's talk about Snapchat filters!

Most of the site may not know what these filters are, I'll explain briefly!

Snapchat is a social app, mostly used my teens you can talk, post pictures of what you're doing in your day, call and video call, etc.

In this app there is a built-in camera, which you can scroll through certain filters that add glasses, maybe make you look goofy or maybe add bear ears, those are obvious filters but they distract from the fact that these filters also change your face shape.

This includes making the face shape slimmer, more chiseled the skin perfect (I have acne and snapchat literally hides it) so It Is basically on par with Photoshop, most don't know it does this but It does! It's not just a goofy filter, it changes your whole face..the more you use it the more you think your face is like that, and so do others.

Recently, I was taking natural photos, and absolutely hated what the results of them were, I kept posing and posing until maybe I got a decent one, I realised It's not my pose, It's because I am so accustomed to what my "other" face looks like.

I'm going to post a picture of myself with snap chat filters, and one without.

Ignore the goofy details, like glasses and ears, focus on the shape of my face.

Let's talk about Snapchat filters!
Let's talk about Snapchat filters!

The second photo, are the deadlier filters, you cannot really tell there is a filter, so I'll point out to you. It has made my skin clear of spots and acne, my eyes more bright and my jaw and nose more chiseled.

Let's talk about Snapchat filters!

Now, this Is me unfiltered, just a normal camera, as you see my nose Is bigger and my face almost looks lopsided, because I have not taken a normal photo for so long I couldn't take a proper one, so It looks lopsided and such.

This is really horrible for me to upload, but It needs to be out there.

I'm not saying ban filters, but do them In moderation I'm a somewhat confident girl and thought that I would never be weak-minded enough to do silly things like faking this or that, as I never wore makeup or photoshopped myself,

That's the problem instead of using the normal camera app, you use snapchats camera app and you get used to yourself with filters without realising it.

Endpoint: Snapchat filters are fun and young! Keep using them, but just be aware and use in moderation.

Other harmful things.

1. They're obviously deceptive, many of my male friends specifically had no clue filters changed the face shape, they thought they only added little effects. I had to tell a male friend of mine, that they do this and that he should be a bit wary If a girl only sends filtered photos, am I saying she's being "fake" no, I'm just saying you are not seeing the full her.

2. It's not something commonly known at all until you compare a normal photo of yourself with a filtered one you don't realise that it's more than just a pair of glasses, or fake freckles (Like in the first photo fake freckles) It's also your face shape.

3. Its target audience Is insecure young girls like me, as you don't fully know what It does..you literally forget what you look like and begin to love this fake version of yourself which is extremely harmful. So when you do see normal pictures of you on facebook, or with the camera app you literally think "That's not me! It's just the angle of the photo, Is this how I look to others?!?" Yes, that Is you, It's not the angle It's the fact It's a bare normal picture.

4. The snapchat camera quickly replaces the normal camera, so you are used to filtered you. I cannot remember the last time (except this experiment) I took a normal selfie with the camera app Instead of the snapchat camera.

I'm 16, imagine what It does to younger girls who use it, and boys too.

How are we ever supposed to improve ourselves, and love ourselves if we don't even know what we're working with? Sometimes It takes a harsh wake up call.

Let's talk about Snapchat filters!
Let's talk about Snapchat filters!
Let's talk about Snapchat filters!
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