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20 Reasons to live on the beach

1) Your friends think you are crazy to leave the buzz of city life behind, but you don’t care…

20 Reasons to live on the beach

2) You get to see views like this everyday…

3) Rather than ugly weather..

4) You will spend way less money on rent for beautiful weather

5) Weekends are less about expensive clubs and overpriced cocktails…

6) And more about this..

7) You get to spend your weekends doing this…

8) And this…

20 Reasons to live on the beach

9) And it's beautiful, once again

10) Three words: fresh local seafood. Need I say more…

11) Flip flops are mandatory footwear

12) And people clock off work early when the surf is good

13) Museums around your area now look like this…

20 Reasons to live on the beach

14) Breaking news looks something like this….

15) And pints don’t cost £6

16) People say good morning to strangers on the street here. Yes, really.

17) You won’t love it when holiday season comes around…

18) But you really appreciate where you live once they’ve all gone home

19) This could quite possibly happen to you… If you’re lucky

20) Because there’s no better place to live than by the sea

20 Reasons to live on the beach
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