How do you plan a first vacation/trip with your SO?

Hi, I’m a just 20F so am pretty inexperienced with how relationship dynamics work. My boyfriend of a month and I are planning our first weekend trip together to the beach. Basically, last week we just texted our availability and then I got the hotel and he bought the rental car for the weekend. However, yesterday I found out my brother is getting out of the hospital the weekend boyfriend and I planned our vacation and found cheap flights home that day… since I haven’t been able to see him in a couple months, I really want to fly home that weekend now. (And I see much much nicer hotel options for the following weeks). Am I wrong for asking my boyfriend to reschedule our vacation plans?

We will be discussing it all this evening when he gets back from work, but I want to avoid these mixups in the future, so.. how do you typically plan these types of coordinated events with your partner and split it up? Is it a good idea to sit down and do everything in person, side by side? Any advice would be great :)
How do you plan a first vacation/trip with your SO?
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