What do you think of the idea of redistributing human populations based on how individuals think and prefer to live, rather than constant bickering?

Basically nations created by common opinion. So everyone in your nation agrees with you about how the nation should be ran, and if a person is born in a nation they don't align with, they can just switch to one that they do align with via a UN agreement to placing people with likeminded people and considering them as "born in" the new country legally speaking. So effectively treating nations likes states with immigration, all you need is the new nation ID and you're good.

Its an interesting idea that comes with its own set of issues and inconveniences.

I think there would be a lot more nations if that happened, lower populations in each, and a lot more job automation in each, but wars would be less, laws would be more stable, and people would generally be happier.

What do you think of the idea of redistributing human populations based on how individuals think and prefer to live, rather than constant bickering?
Post Opinion