Fidget Spinners


So you know those little hand held toys that are all the rage right now? The ones that can be bought at $4 or $100? Yah those fidget spinners. Well here is myTake on them.

The fidget spinner was invented by Catherine Hettinger in her home of Orlando, Florida. The idea was to promote peace in children and to calm them. Fun fact: 20 years ago, Hasbro declined her offer of the fidget spinner, but today they are selling them under their name. It is believed the fidget spinner was invented for children with short attention spans to have something to fidget with while learning. Children with Adhd, anxiety, and autism are most certainly loving the toy. It is unfortunate that some schools have banned the toy due to its distracting nature. Some are upset that due to the "normal" kids, the other kids that "need" them can't use their fidget spinner. This is definitely true, but all kids should be allowed to play with this fun fidget toy. Adults have judged the toy by calling it another fad that will die down soon. Just like the Rubik's Cube, Tamagotchi, Tickle Me Elmo, and Silly Bands, these inventions are fun for a time but do eventually die down. Though the fidget spinner will be around for a while, let the children enjoy their times. Isn't it good to go back to a time where children (and teens!) aren't staring down at a screen as much but instead holding a toy?

Have fun with the fidget spinner and maybe even check out the fidget cube!

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Fidget Spinners

Fidget Spinners
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