Trump Is Okay With Ruining the Earth As Long As America Becomes 'Great Again'


Electing to exit the Paris agreement Trump basically put America first.

There would be no problem with that...if the fact that he's dooming millions of people to death and, of course, ruining the Earth in the process.

Trump Is Okay With Ruining the Earth As Long As America Becomes 'Great Again'

He said 'I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.' - meaning...America (or in this case Pittsburgh) is exempt from every other country in the world...

Sounds like he just wants to put 'America in first place' in his speeches, not in real life.

Bringing back jobs that ruin the earth even further doesn't make any sense... Of course people need jobs, but qualifying yourself for other work is something everyone needs to do from time to time.

Trump Is Okay With Ruining the Earth As Long As America Becomes 'Great Again'

Green energy is where the work is literally going to be. And it will preserve the Earth. Don't our kids, grand kids, grand grand kids deserve life as well?

You decide.

Trump Is Okay With Ruining the Earth As Long As America Becomes 'Great Again'
29 Opinion