Outcry for Sexual Abuse Victims: Where's the Outcry for Other Abuse Victims?

Outcry for Sexual Abuse Victims: Where's the Outcry for Other Abuse Victims?

I wonder if the media and the world knew what they were getting themselves into when they let the allegations against Harvey Weinstein go public? After all, that is the catalyst that started this whole domino effect of men being accused, women coming forward and the birth of #metoo. I don't think anyone will debate that there is a lot of silent epidemic's or things people don't discuss out there (sexual abuse is one of those things). So, no one will debate that it's not a bad thing that it's being brought to the surface now. However, sometimes things with good intent can turn into something bad very quickly. I think this whole movement with sexual abuse is one of those things.

Now, I'm not saying anything bad about the victims or making light of what happened to them. I can't imagine how horrible that would be being put in a situation where you're vulnerable to someone else and you can't find any way to get out of it. That must be a horrible feeling and I'm very sorry to anyone who has ever experienced any type of sexual abuse. I'm truly sorry that happened to you and no one should have to go through that!

As I said in the beginning though, things with good intent can turn bad quickly. Now that #metoo started there's even more female solidarity and protesting and all that stuff. In all of that though, in all of those sea of women and women saying "it's good to see women finally standing strong". I wonder about the women who were abused sexually before this revolution came about or the women who are in domestic violence relationships or children who are neglected and abused or people who are bullied or men who are sexually abused. Where's their voice? If women want empowerment, shouldn't that go to all abuses not just the one currently in the spot light?

Outcry for Sexual Abuse Victims: Where's the Outcry for Other Abuse Victims?

With that, here are some examples:

Example: The women who were kept in that house in Cleveland by that Castro guy. They were abused both physically and sexually, not just once but for years while being held captive. Sure, people probably were outraged then or happy to see them freed then but what about now?

They were strong, that man never broke them. They're scarred internally for sure but are healing. In this movement for solidarity and female empowerment, is anybody thinking about them and their bravery?

Another Example: Elizabeth Smart, she was only 14 when Brian David Mitchell kidnapped her from her home and raped her. Her being found was a miracle, at the time people were outraged and at the time they probably found her brave, what about now?

Her life is good now, it's nothing she'll ever forget but she's found happiness. In this movement though, is anyone thinking about her and what she went through at 14? How brave she was after all she had been through? Does anybody think about that anymore?

Outcry for Sexual Abuse Victims: Where's the Outcry for Other Abuse Victims?

If you think that doesn't count then, what about all the young boys abused by Catholic Priest's? That was a big story once. I don't remember anyone praising any guy that came forward and admitted they were a victim. There were no revolutions or anything like that. Let me guess, you think it doesn't count because it's different for a guy, right? Well, imagine how it must be for a guy to be sexually abused by another guy that's guaranteed to leave a negative impact on them. So, how come no one cares?

You think female sexual abuse isn't talked about, do you really think male sexual abuse would be? I'd say probably not, you know why? Because a guy being sexually abused just doesn't cross anybody's minds, doesn't seem possible to them. So, for all those guys out there who came forward how come they are not talked about? Even with #metoo men are suppose to be sharing their stories as well, funny how nobody talks about them or their bravery for coming forward. There's no solidarity anywhere for them. Tell me, does that seem fair? I don't think so, they matter too!

Outcry for Sexual Abuse Victims: Where's the Outcry for Other Abuse Victims?

Sexual abuse isn't the only kind of abuse women can face, domestic violence is another. How come no women have formed a revolution for that? Do you know how many women are probably being physically abused, a lot but no one talks about it. I would think if women are going to stand strong and tall about injustices they faced they'd include physical abuse in that.

Did you know the most dangerous time for a women in an abusive relationship is when she finally leaves her abuser? There's reports of many women getting attacked by the abusive guy they left, some survive and others unfortunately don't. I would say that's a pretty big thing to go through so why don't women rally around that? How come those brave women that survived and come forward with their stories aren't praised for they're strength and bravery? Why in this revolution of female empowerment do they seem not to matter?

Outcry for Sexual Abuse Victims: Where's the Outcry for Other Abuse Victims?

I bet you a good portion of these women standing strong and tall are mothers. So, where's the outrage for child abuse (be it physical or sexual) and neglect? People know that it happens but I wouldn't say it's something people talk about often or it still wouldn't be happening.

I would think anyone be it man or woman who is for this standing up against sexual abuse, would also want to stand up against child abuse. I'm sure these people are parents so how come there's no revolution for this? Right now, I bet somewhere there's a kid just praying for hero to save them from the hell they have to endure but no one will come especially since no one seems to care. They should care, children are innocent and don't deserve what adults do to them!

Outcry for Sexual Abuse Victims: Where's the Outcry for Other Abuse Victims?

What about bullying? There's many way's a person can bully someone so how come no one takes it seriously or seems to care? Bullying happens all the time but it's over looked or brushed off as no big deal but it's a huge deal, yet there's no revolution for this. Why is that?

So many young kids have committed suicide because they where bullied so badly, how come no one is trying to stop that by asking bully victims to come forward? You would think you'd want to stop something like that but I guess it's not deemed important enough to rally people to do something about it.

Outcry for Sexual Abuse Victims: Where's the Outcry for Other Abuse Victims?

When I thought about writing this it wasn't to start trouble or cause a brew ha ha, it was to get people to see that as good as it is to face one issue, that doesn't mean that others should be lost in that. You can't pick and choose what forms of abuse are worth your time and which aren't. They are all a problem and all horrible things for anyone to go though. They should all be talked about! They should all be given time and attention, so why aren't they?

Outcry for Sexual Abuse Victims: Where's the Outcry for Other Abuse Victims?
19 Opinion