Three Things To Remember When The Democrats Start Whining About President Trump's Supreme Court Appointment

RIP Ruth Ginsburg bla bla bla...

1. Ginsburg was asked by Democrats to step down when Obama was in office so they could ensure she would be replaced by another liberal. She refused. So now President Trump gets to pick a conservative instead of Obama picking a liberal. Thank you Ms. Ginsburg. You did not die in vain! And I have to give you credit where credit is due, your timing is brilliant.

2. The Democrats eliminated the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees while Obama was in office. They thought they were being really clever even though they were warned by the Republicans not to do it because it would come back to bite them. Guess what? It came back to bite them. Now, thanks to the Democrats, President Trump and the Republicans can exercise their constitutional right to appoint a new Supreme Court Justice any time they want and the Democrats are powerless to stop it. Nice work Democrats! You shot yourselves in the foot!

3. What do you suppose Chuck Schumer would do if he was in the same position as Mitch McConnell now and there was a Democrat in the White House? Would he be saying "For the good of the country we need to wait and let the next president pick the replacement for Ginsburg?" YEAH RIGHT!

The Democrats have NO ONE TO BLAME BUT THEMSELVES and their stupid attempts to destroy the democratic process for this appointment. They made their bed and now they will have to lie in it. They NEVER seem to learn their lesson. LIBERALISM, SOCIALISM AND COMMUNISM DO NOT WORK!

You can't destroy the democratic process and then demand democracy when things don't go your way. It doesn't work like that.

President Donald J. Trump will once again add yet another historical achievement to his winning record, a record three Supreme Court Justice appointments in his first term! Yet again he beat the Democrats like a rented mule at their own game.

Three Things To Remember When The Democrats Start Whining About President Trump's Supreme Court Appointment
Post Opinion