What is a Beautiful Woman?

Let's face it, women today are so obsessed with their looks that it's often annoying. They try to portray that "perfect woman" that everyone likes and everyone thinks is pretty. Too bad most of them can't understand the truth. There ISN'T a perfect woman. No woman exists that is perfect.

I was reading a question which sparked this article. It was dealing with why women are either conceited beyond comprehension, or so humble that you literally stop complimenting them. Ladies, there is no central beautiful woman. You are all unique.

"There ISN'T a perfect woman. No woman exists that is perfect. "
First off, I don't give a s*** how skinny, good-looking, and big-breasted you are. Most women that I have come across that portray the stereotypical perfect woman suck ass. They're conceited to a degree where you want to just slap them in the face. I may seem a little harsh here, but it's true. Look sweetheart, I don't care how good-looking you think you are, your personality sucks. The only reason you have a man in your life is because of God's gift to you called a vagina.

Next, the ever-so-humble women. I see so much potential in these women it's insane. A lot of these girls TRULY DO, no faking, think they're ugly. You aren't ugly. In fact, some of the prettiest women I've seen are in this sub-class. But, it does get annoying. A lot of these women simply will not take a compliment! I'll charm and compliment as best I can and all I get out of them is, "no you are", "stop lying", or my favorite "your just making it up". Why the hell would I make up a compliment?! I'm not trying to please you. I'm telling you the truth!

Girls, there is no beautiful type of woman. Every single one of you is beautiful. And just because a guy doesn't like you, doesn't mean everyone in the whole world thinks your ugly. For all we know, he could just have bad taste!

Don't listen to a single thing you read in magazines or shit you see on TV. They're all fake. The media tells you what a "perfect woman" looks like so you will buy their products. Ah, don't you just love the sweet smell of capitalism?
"Don't listen to a single thing you read in magazines or shit you see on TV. They're all fake."

All women who are cocky, conceited, and overall think they're "miss thing". You aren't. Yes, you are beautiful; but you're only as beautiful as every other woman on earth. Don't think that everyone else is inferior to you, because they aren't. In fact, most people can't stand you. Try being less conceited, please?

And for those of you with no esteem, listen to what I said. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. It doesn't matter what someone says to you. Your pretty, don't act like it's a bad thing. Just, accept a damn compliment every now and then.

OK ladies, you're all beautiful. End of story. It doesn't matter how "ugly" you think you are. You'll always be beautiful in someone's eyes.....

......as long as you have big boobs.
What is a Beautiful Woman?
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