Do men take longer to miss their ex after a break up than women?

My guy friends tell me that directly after a break up a guy tries to ignore his pain and pretend like he is fine and after about two weeks they start noticing the contrast of her not being there anymore, and at the month-2 month point he will realize that the girl is really not going to contact him and will start to recognize that he misses her and will reach out. I struggle with grasping this because I am a female and was miserable for the first week, and sad/accepting it this week. He and I were best friends and he didn't want to break up but he was also afraid of what I symbolized to him. He always said i was the girl he would marry but that he wasn't ready for that and even though i said i wasn't either, he was still afraid that being with me meant commitment. He also watched his parents have a terrible marriage and equally terrible divorce. We talked every single day for two years even when he lived in another country for 9 months of that and another stated for 2 months. Even when we broke up, everything was great. He had told me he loved me for the first time in the whole two years, two weeks prior to our break up. I truly believe that it isn't me but rather the seriousness that I represent to him that caused our break. He told me that and so did his mom and sister. Anyways, the point is, I miss my best friend, its been 12 days since we last spoke. Do you think he will try to contact me and if so, when? And will he/does he miss me?
Do men take longer to miss their ex after a break up than women?
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