Should I worry about my boyfriend taking his dog to his ex-girlfriend to watch when he is out of town?

My boyfriend and I have been together for 7 months and have a great relationship. He lives about an hour away, but is from the same hometown as I and we see each other on the weekends. Problem I'm having is this issue with his ex. They were together for 5 yrs. (also lived together), they have been broken up for 3 years now, but he still takes his dog over to her place for her to watch when he goes out of town, or when he comes in town and needs a place for the dog to stay.(I can't have dogs where I stay, so me watching him is not an option) They bought the dog together and he trusts her to care for him. He also brings him to town for her to take him to the groomers every 6 weeks and vet appts. He says the dog is used to the groomer and he doesn't want to look for a new place. He doesn't have any children so this dog he treats like his baby. He tells me he doesn't have any feelings left for his ex, that she's crazy and he is just on good terms for her mostly because she does him this favor for the dog. I want to be mature about this, but shouldn't cut ties with his ex if he's in love with me? It makes me uncomfortable and not as secure as I want to feel. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.
Should I worry about my boyfriend taking his dog to his ex-girlfriend to watch when he is out of town?
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