Have I missed the signs of an emotionally unavailable man on the rebound or is he just a player

Hi there.

So I met a really nice guy on a dating site. We went for coffee and then a number of dates. We seemed to be very comfortable with each other and the chemistry was really great. We decided to start dating exclusively in order to make sure that we really are as compatible as it seemed at first. We would then decide whether to enter into a committed relationship. This was 7 weeks ago.

Since then we became very close and everything seemed to just FIT. Similar interests still amazing chemistry etc etc etc. He treated me like a princess 24/7. He helped me out and was very protective towards me. Tried to lend a hand wherever he could. Until a week ago. He suddenly told me that he realized that he is not at all ready to fall in love and give someone unconditional love…He says he feels disconnected and uninterested and he is afraid that I might get hurt by becoming more attached to him than he could to me…. It seems to be linked to his ex girlfriend of 3 years recently getting married. So what I read in his explanation is that he is on the rebound?

I was honest about my needs from the start. Even tough I was also not ready to plunge into a committed relationship quite yet…I liked the idea of us working towards that. Seeing as this plan was no longer on track according to him I suggested withdrawing from him. His reaction was that withdrawing would be senseless…He said that this was not a withdrawal or break up discussion and that I should relax.

Ok since the “not” break up he has been distant and so have I. I do not know how to react on this. Problem is I didn’t even realize exactly how attached I have already grown to him! I miss his frequent texts and phone calls just to hear my voice. I miss all the things we used to do together and because we live in very close proximity to each other, even going to the grocer reminds me of him!I really haven’t felt this empty in many many years. I think that I might have actually fallen in love with this man in 6 weeks. Its not that I need him I actually do want him…if that makes sense. This is a big deal for me because I haven’t opened up like this in a very long while.

Can you give me some advice as to what to do here?
Have I missed the signs of an emotionally unavailable man on the rebound or is he just a player
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