Paying for the first date, feminism, and being a gentleman

First of all, I am tired of being told that men should be gentleman. Feminists don't believe in the term "gentleman" because it defines male masculinity.

There is definitely a societal expectation on men to be a gentleman. Feminist will argue that being a gentle man means being courteous. Well, my masculinity should not be defined by anything. My masculinity is what I say it is, even if it does not involve me being courteous.

Paying for the first date, feminism, and being a gentleman.

That is the equivalent of the vast majority of men expecting women to cook for them because it is a feminine thing to do. That would be sexist.

Paying for the first date, feminism, and being a gentleman

Men are still mostly expected to pay for the first date and onward in the United States. Women keep telling me that this is a sign of courteousy, NO THE FU#$ IT IS NOT. That ideology comes from a sexist era were women couldn't pay for the first date. If my masculinity is different for not paying for the first date then it is SEXIST. My wallet should not define my masculinity.

Paying for the first date, feminism, and being a gentleman

If women are suppose to be chivalrous as well then with that logic we should split the bill because women should be chivalrous as well. If I am expected to hold doors open for women then women should do it for me to, BUT THEY FU$%ING DON'T, BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT EXPECTED TO BY SOCIETY.

Some men see chivalry as a sign of respect

Paying for the first date, feminism, and being a gentleman

Then Logically she should also respect me and be chivalrous toward me as well, but the thing is, SOCIETY DOESN'T EXPECT THEM TO BE.

Feminism and dating expectations don't mix

Women will argue that feminism isn't about dating. However, the definition of feminism is "the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes", according to webster's dictionary.

I am so tired of women attempting to tell me what I should and should not be. SHUT THE FU$% UP. I am what I say I am.

Paying for the first date, feminism, and being a gentleman
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