Benefits and navigating the Friend Zone

Benefits and navigating the Friend Zone

While I don't believe in friend zone, some of you do, so I'll help you navigate this world. You wonder, "How can you help us with this if you don't believe it exists?" Well, I beat Super Mario World 5 times, and I dont believe Mario exists, so let's continue.

Let’s be honest, the reason you are in the friend zone is because you don’t have the skills to be more than that. I know it sucks, but get over it. But here's what you have to understand -

She actually likes you: May not be as a lover, but you are liked. If she didn’t like you in some way, you would not be close with her at all. You’d be a creeper.

Never befriend a girl with a boyfriend: It’s a waste of time. She always has a guy she’s focusing on, and that would make you the girl friend. The one she dumps on when he’s being an ass. Don’t be THAT guy. I know it can be difficult when you find a beautiful girl inside and out, so if you friend her, keep her at arm’s length out of respect for self, her and him. You wouldn’t want someone doing that to you, right? Karma is a bitch.

Take her suggestions on better yourself: Sometimes, not always, your girl friend is actually grooming you to be a boyfriend; a guy that is worth a girl’s “time.” It may be for her, it may be for someone else. Like I said before you are lacking skills in certain areas, she’s trying to fix those areas. If she gives you advice on somethings, take it. A woman’s touch is a great thing to have in a man’s life.

Always befriend multiple gals: You ain’t her man, so you don’t have to be only for her. You can have as many girl friends as you like. However, try to know the number you can actually be friends with. Personally, I can have four close female friends before I start to get too busy (for I have shit to do). Sometimes, that can land you a date having options. Women are competitive and stuff.

Learning self-control: If you are only friends with a girl you like, I know how hard it can be. You want to pounce, but are getting no green lights. Well, this is a good thing. You are learning how to control yourself from your base urges. Actually listening to what she says instead of thinking about mouths and “what they do though” Is a good thing, however--

Don’t fall in the giiiirrrrrl trap: Nothing sucks worse than being the guy she talks about other guys with. Unless she’s never going to be a potential i.e relative, those conversations are off limits. If she starts, stop it quick at its core.

Last but not least!!!

Prepare to move on: There is no point string along yourself for something that may not happen. Unless you see her as a REAL good friend and companion, and an interesting person, there is no point to “being” her friend. You can miss out on an actual girlfriend because you are hung up on this maybe,-one-day,-on-a-blood-moon,-when-the-planets-align-perfectly,-and-Uranus-farts girlfriend.

That’s all I got, I’ll put more if I get more.

Something for the gents:

Benefits and navigating the Friend Zone

Something for the ladies:

Benefits and navigating the Friend Zone

Take care.


Benefits and navigating the Friend Zone
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