English Girls Are the NEW American Girls

Obviously, this video is biased but I can attest to it's partial validity (about the hammered English girls in the street) from many lost drunken nights partying in London.

For the American Male looking to spend a little bit of time visiting Europe he should know...

Why English Girls Are The New American Girls

English Girls Are the NEW American Girls


English Girls Are the NEW American Girls

The British Empire...the American Empire...one just was obvious and one tried to be a secret but we all knew what was happening. The fact that both our countries have been such global powers and influences it's not hard to see why English Girls think they have the world by the balls and they squeeze every bit of fun for as long as they're sober enough to still walk in a moderatly straight line. English girls have a lot in common with they feel they've earned by simply being born. Of course, there's a bunch of sweet, humble English girls, but MANY think they're the **** and you'll often think you're back in the States.


English Girls Are the NEW American Girls

Hey, I like a girl with confidence, but compared to other European girls English ladies are more than comfortable belching in public, wearing clothes that don't always match, and generally walking around with an idgaf attitude. Hey, don't let me stand in your way Brave, New English woman.


English Girls Are the NEW American Girls

Holy God, I've never seen so many vomit so much on the sides of so many streets while there girlfriends decide whether it's worth holding their friend's hair back at this point. English girls go hard and drink to ******* win! So boys don't think you're going to get a little vodka and cranberry juice and she'll be feeling it. She's prepped to down multiple 6 packs.

Yet Still Alluring

English Girls Are the NEW American Girls

Everyone talks **** about American girls and yet everyone still wants one. Similarly, we can talk **** all day about this, Keira Knightley is still English. These girls get it. They dominate the World Fashion industry. Their overabundance of black mackup that constrasts ever so sharply with their white as snow make up is set to kill. They don't have to work at it as other culture's girls, because they're already saught and being considered the top of the heap--they act however they want and let haters hate.

English Girls Are the NEW American Girls
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