Top 8 Guys/Girls You Should NEVER Date

Okay so over the past month I have been out of a relationship. The person I was with I cared very much about, however we had a lot of things that didn’t fit (like a puzzle, if the pieces don’t fit the puzzle will never be completed). With that he and I did a lot of things wrong to each other (He said shit, I did things and it just wasn’t right). However I’ve come to a weird stage of depression/ acceptance that it’s just done. With that these are my top 8 guys/ girls that YOU folks should NEVER date and if you currently are please tread carefully.

1. The “move too fast”

Top 8 guys/girls you should NEVER date:

Basically you call it as it is. The first week he and I were getting to know each other he asked me to be his girlfriend, me being stupid said yes when I should’ve said no and just taken the time to really know him (I don’t regret saying yes, it’s just I should’ve done things differently).

2. The “Assumption”

Top 8 Guys/Girls You Should NEVER Date
They listen to everything you say but get super jealous and make assumptions right away. For example you are out with family and they become overly dramatic thinking you’re out with someone else. You are out having a guy’s night and your girl gets jealous thinking you’re talking to other chicks when you aren’t.

3. The “P.D.A.”

Top 8 Guys/Girls You Should NEVER Date

No I don’t mean public display of affection, I mean the public display asshole. My ex would easily get embarrassed if I was too loud or too excited over something. He would roll his eyes or tell me “why are you yelling” basically making me feel embarrassed and treating me like a child. It’s not a good look and people take notice of this. Just because your guy or girl is different or get easily excited over something doesn’t mean you should be a prune about it, get excited with them, talk to them about it and have fun with it.

4. The “Roll The Eyes”

Top 8 Guys/Girls You Should NEVER Date

You’re partner gets super annoyed with you that anytime you do anything at this point they just either roll their eyes or even the negative body language just screams out to you. Like they can’t be around you, they get so tired of how you act or they are just unimpressed by how you look, act or even what you say.

5. The “Manipulative”

Top 8 Guys/Girls You Should NEVER Date

Okay so basically they can talk out of anything or make you feel guilty at the end. So even when my ex broke up with me he still made me feel like I did everything wrong and he did nothing wrong. It’s that type of manipulation that really mentally breaks a person because they do so much for someone that they love and yet they constantly get judged or feel like they continuously are doing something wrong (at one point all I did when I would get home is cry because I just couldn’t do anything right, I felt the world on my shoulders and that I just was doing everything wrong and was doing backflips because he had me that good).

6. The “Slowly But Surely”

Top 8 Guys/Girls You Should NEVER Date

As in they slowly but surely is trying to change who you are as a person over time. I can say so much about this because he did that with me. I stopped going out with my friends dancing (I gave up my VELD VIP 2 Day pass because I wanted to work things out with him), I stopped wearing the amount of makeup that I enjoyed and I stopped being myself as a woman (I basically stayed home all the time and only was out when it came to seeing him). Eventually it was telling me to wear less makeup and also wanted to see what I would wear to a family event that well I never went too because we broke up before the family event ever happened.

7. The “Temper Tantrum”

Top 8 Guys/Girls You Should NEVER Date

Basically they have a temper, a bad and quick one. Anytime they hear something that they disapprove of they get angry really quick or throw a temper tantrum. I remember playing soccer once with him and his friends and he got very heated and mad because I did something. I told him to “calm down, relax it’s not a game, we’re just having fun” he stopped and apologized when we were in his car. It was ridiculous for him to get so angry because he got so into a fun little soccer moment. Things like that are major turn offs.

8. The “All-In-One”

Top 8 Guys/Girls You Should NEVER Date

As in they are everything I just wrote down but all in one. Sorry ladies and gents, sadly there are people with those characteristics and if you’re dating someone like that well then you should probably get out of that situation. And please if you are that type that rolls your eyes, treats your partner like an ass in public or even tries to change who your partner is well please make sure you roll your eyes when it’s something cute they did, instead of the A in P.D.A. standing for ass let it stand for affection and finally don’t ever attempt to change your partner ever. Remember they are the one you fell for because they were themselves because if you do change them you’ll end up miserable because you lost the person you fell for from the start.

Alright so that’s my top 8. If you ladies and gents have other opinions please comment. If you want me to post a “myTake” on a topic you’d like to discuss please inbox me. Thank you all very much and god bless <3

Top 8 Guys/Girls You Should NEVER Date
Post Opinion