Do You Think Beauty And Androgyny Are Tied Together?


So, one thing I don't enjoy about myTakes is that they ultimatly have to be pretty preachy. By nature, you're a bit narcissistic to write some personal idea you had and think it's important enough for everyone to have. So one thing i might start trying to do is fusing the ask and take into one where i'm telling you how i see something and inviting you to chime in either with agreement or different opinions....

Do you think beauty and androgyny are tied together?


A combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight


The combination of masculine and feminine characteristics.


Do you think beauty and androgyny are tied together?

^^Seen as a perfect ten of physical beauty. Way higher than any average guy ever considers possible to date. If he did date would cause so many insecurities between him doubting that she could desire him and the hoards of rich and famous men who would be trying to steal her from him constantly. Small breats and ass, pencil like body almost like a male child...

Do You Think Beauty And Androgyny Are Tied Together?

^^Seen as someone you'd love to f*** possibly more than any other woman you'd ever want to f**** besides her. You'd probably cheat on any woman with her and you can imagine that if you dated her you'd have nonstop sex. Yet, the average parents might disapprove of her or find her shady. Average friends might find hers shady then try to hit on her. She can be seperated from sex and even the sight of her in a turtleneck conjures the thought. Yet, the average guy might fear through marrying her or dating her seriously that he will became a joke and be seen as marrying only so he can screw ad infinutum as where girl 1 is just seen as having a gorgeous wife. Huge breasts and ass--nothing masculine about her at all.

Do You Think Beauty And Androgyny Are Tied Together?


Considered among the best looking guys for his age. The average girl would love to show him off to everyone in pictures and at parties. They would probably put up bad behavior out of this guy. Her parents would probably be very happy she dated him. She would probably feel insecure that he is prettier than she is and that he is vain and/or does not truly care about her the way another guy would. He is beautiful in the face like a woman.

Do You Think Beauty And Androgyny Are Tied Together?


A guy most women would fantasize about once the sex with their husband has become dull. There is very little feminine about him and that includes being all that pretty to look at next to some other men. While he exudes dominance and alphaness, he would be not be ranked as the most beautiful male around and certainly not someone her parents would want her dating. He has almost no feminine features.

So, the question is: why is the mix of feminine and masculine traits always present in the most "beautiful" people and why is full beauty "androgyny" and full sexiness "pure masculinity/femininity" not the same thing in many cases?

Do You Think Beauty And Androgyny Are Tied Together?
14 Opinion